H.-S. Yu Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS ftp://cass185.ucsd.edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/
2 IPS Time-Dependent 3D Tomographic Reconstructions
3 2011/11/09 CME LASCO C2 COR2 B
4 2011/11/09 CME LASCO C2 IPS Fish-eye map of Event (Forecast)
5 2011/11/09 CME LASCO C2 IPS Remote-Observer View (Forecast)
6 2011/11/09 CME Density Ecliptic Cut Density Meridional Cut Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339. Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, Solar Phys. 285, 151. (Forecast) IPS C.A.T. Analysis
7 2011/11/09 CME Density Ecliptic Cut Density Forecast at 1AU Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339. (Forecast) Forecast Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, Solar Phys. 285, 151.
8 IPS C.A.T. Analysis 2011/11/09 CME Velocity Ecliptic Cut Velocity Forecast at 1AU Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339. (Forecast) Forecast Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, Solar Phys. 285, 151.
9 Global Solar Wind Boundary Evaluating the 3D reconstruction at a given spherical radius provides a “global solar wind lower boundary” which can then be extrapolated outward by 3D-MHD models. Results of this extrapolation can be compared with in-situ measurements as a “ground truth” verification of this technique.
10 Time-Dependent Boundary in Inertial Heliographic Coordinates (IHG)
11 Time-Dependent Boundary in Inertial Heliographic Coordinates (IHG)
12 MS-FLUKSS 3D-MHD modeling from a 0.25AU 3D time-dependent IPS tomography boundary. (Kim, T. K., 2012, AIP Conference Proc. 1500, pp ) 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS Measurements at Earth
13 Time-Dependent Boundary in Heliographic Coordinates (Earth-entered) ftp://cass185.ucsd.edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/
14 Time-Dependent Boundary in Heliographic Coordinates (Earth-entered) ftp://cass185.ucsd.edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/
15 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS-ENLIL Measurements at Earth Interesting Event
16 mas2bc bnd.nc MAS Data a3d2bc WSA ModelMAS Model WSA Data bnd.nc mas2bcwsa2bc ENLILcone2bc bnd.nc UCSD Model UCSD DataIn-Situ Data ucsd2bccoho2bc bnd.nc MAS Data Currently, there are three models (yellow) that can be used to drive ENLIL (green) Computational system shares data sets (grey) and uses couplers (blue) ENLIL Model Drivers