H.-S. Yu Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS


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Presentation transcript:

H.-S. Yu Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS ftp://cass185.ucsd.edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/

2 IPS Time-Dependent 3D Tomographic Reconstructions

3 2011/11/09 CME LASCO C2 COR2 B

4 2011/11/09 CME LASCO C2 IPS Fish-eye map of Event (Forecast)

5 2011/11/09 CME LASCO C2 IPS Remote-Observer View (Forecast)

6 2011/11/09 CME Density Ecliptic Cut Density Meridional Cut Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339. Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, Solar Phys. 285, 151. (Forecast) IPS C.A.T. Analysis

7 2011/11/09 CME Density Ecliptic Cut Density Forecast at 1AU Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339. (Forecast) Forecast Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, Solar Phys. 285, 151.

8 IPS C.A.T. Analysis 2011/11/09 CME Velocity Ecliptic Cut Velocity Forecast at 1AU Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339. (Forecast) Forecast Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, Solar Phys. 285, 151.

9 Global Solar Wind Boundary Evaluating the 3D reconstruction at a given spherical radius provides a “global solar wind lower boundary” which can then be extrapolated outward by 3D-MHD models. Results of this extrapolation can be compared with in-situ measurements as a “ground truth” verification of this technique.

10 Time-Dependent Boundary in Inertial Heliographic Coordinates (IHG)

11 Time-Dependent Boundary in Inertial Heliographic Coordinates (IHG)

12 MS-FLUKSS 3D-MHD modeling from a 0.25AU 3D time-dependent IPS tomography boundary. (Kim, T. K., 2012, AIP Conference Proc. 1500, pp ) 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS Measurements at Earth

13 Time-Dependent Boundary in Heliographic Coordinates (Earth-entered) ftp://cass185.ucsd.edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/

14 Time-Dependent Boundary in Heliographic Coordinates (Earth-entered) ftp://cass185.ucsd.edu/data/IPSBD_Real_Time/

15 3D-MHD Models Driven by IPS-ENLIL Measurements at Earth Interesting Event

16 mas2bc bnd.nc MAS Data a3d2bc WSA ModelMAS Model WSA Data bnd.nc mas2bcwsa2bc ENLILcone2bc bnd.nc UCSD Model UCSD DataIn-Situ Data ucsd2bccoho2bc bnd.nc MAS Data  Currently, there are three models (yellow) that can be used to drive ENLIL (green)  Computational system shares data sets (grey) and uses couplers (blue) ENLIL Model Drivers