SammyCylinder Sammy Cylinder Cylinder Gardening with Vanessa the Painted Lady & &
Veggie Garden Purpose oTeach plant growth from seed planting to harvest.
Butterfly Garden Purpose oTeach the life cycle of the butterfly by growing both nectar and food plants utilizing the cylinder gardening model.
Benefits oPride oResponsibility oDetermination oVegetable gardening results in improved nutrition
Why it’s Better! oEasy! oNo soil preparation oLess labor oLess space oNo experience necessary
How it’s Done oBottomless cylinders are used as small, individual gardens.
Garden Set-Up oClear area of weeds & grass oArrange in rows oArrange 18” apart
Cylinder Set-up oPlace on newspaper or bags oWeed- barrier oBorders & Mulch
Soilless Mix oCylinders are filled with peat moss and Perlite potting soil mix.
Cylinder Setup oMix in 3 tbs of organic fertilizer is mixed in. oSeed are planted (depth = seed diameter) oWater
Cylinder Care o2 students share the responsibilities of caring for each cylinder Watering – every day for 1st week Thinning Very Minor Weeding Harvesting
Materials Provided oSeeds oOrganic fertilizer oCylinders oSources for potting soil oReminder mailings
Materials Provided oDirections for Cylinder Setup oMaster Gardener Volunteer oPre-test oPost-test oTeacher's Guide for 6 Lessons oTeacher References oStudy Materials oGames Materials Provided by the Harris County Master Gardeners
Lessons and Activities oLesson 1 - Introduction to Seeds oLesson 2 - What Plants Need oLesson 3 - How Plants Grow oLesson 4 - Insects & Diseases oLesson 5 - Parts of the Plant oLesson 6 - Harvesting & Tasting
Butterfly Lessons oLesson 1 – Creating a butterfly garden oLesson 2 – The butterfly life cycle oLesson 3 – The egg oLesson 4 – The caterpillar or larvae oLesson 5 – The chrysalis or pupa oLesson 6 – The butterfly or adult
Contests oFall Poster Contest oBest 3 Cylinder Gardens Contest
Master Gardener Activities oDeliver materials oBe available to teacher to answer questions. oAttend planting and harvest days.
2008 Summary o24076 children o107 schools o butterfly gardening o vegetable gardening o14672 spring o9404 fall
2008 Summary Demographics o3508 (14%) white o6401 (27%) black o13246 (55%) Hispanic o649 (3%) Asian o212 (1%) American ‐ Indian o12305 boys o11771 girls
White Icicle Radishes
Snow Peas Carrots
Squash, Onions & Corn
SammyCylinder Sammy Cylinder Cylinder Gardening with Vanessa the Painted Lady & &