Oxymat Medical Oxygen Generators Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators
Oxymat at a Glance Our team of more than 60 skilled and dedicated employees, based in 3 different locations: Denmark: Administration, R&D and Sales Slovakia: Administration, production, Project management and Sales China: Administration and Sales Oxymat is a Danish based company specialized in designing and manufacturing on-site Oxygen and Nitrogen solutions, using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Technology. We have been designing, engineering and manufacturing Oxygen generator systems since 1978 and nitrogen systems since We possess first hand knowledge of the market, developments demands and possibilities the PSA technology holds. It is our mission to be your preferred innovative, dynamic and environmentally responsible supplier of on-site oxygen an nitrogen solutions worldwide. With more than 20 engineers (project managers, 3D CAD designers, automation engineers and experienced sales engineers) making sure we offer the right solution for any demand. Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators
Medical PSA Systems Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators ● Design Purity is 95 % +/- 1% ● Outlet pressure from PSA unit is up to 6 bar(g) ● All systems can be expanded with cylinder filling options ● Connectable with hospital piping system ● Comply to European Pharmacopoeia
Technology / Process description Compressor increases air to required level. Coal tower adsorbs fractional impurities (oil). Air tank accumulates necessary volume of air for PSA generator. Zeolite with it‘s ion-exchange beds traps N 2 molecules and allows O 2 molecules to stream through. High purity O 2 flows from PSA generator to product tank and is ready for use. Dryer removes moisture from air (air humidity) by cooling.
Additional Air Filtration Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators In case an oil screw compressor is used, air supply must be supplemented with “coal tower” Coal tower – activated carbon filter To remove the oil carry over from compressor Has an oil indicator and is followed by dust filter for particle removal
Product Filtration Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators Product gas from buffer tank is filtered by the following filters before it is delivered to point of use: Bacterial sterile filter Active coal filter
The unit can be placed outside the hospital. Oxygen cylinders filled here can then be deliver to a hospital or a number of hospitals. Include OFS to your unit and fills your own cylinders in the time of low consumption; then use the cylinders as a backup or during peak consumption Options: Add Oxygen Filling Station Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators Oxygen filling station (OFS) fills cylinders with oxygen under 150 to 300 bar pressure.
Flexible Container Solution Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators Suitable for Harsh Conditions Plug and Play Easy to transport Pictures: Containerized oxygen system - flow 15 Nm3/h Oxygen System in container frame - flow 320 Sm3/h
O 2 Containers for Field Hospitals Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators Oxymat has delivered containerized solutions for disaster medicine for : French Army (7 units) Dutch Army (5 units) US Army (2 units) Greek Army Turkish Army Rumanian Army Danish Army
Plug and Play Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators All on steel plate includes: piping, hoses, brackets, electricity and drain connections Plug and Play Easy to transport Pictures: Skid mounted oxygen system - flow 3,2 Nm3/h = 12 cylinders/ 150 bar
Certificates Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators Our oxygen generators are CE medical certified and produced in accordance with: Medical Devices Directive Pressure Equipment Directive ISO 9001:2000 ISO 13485:2003 ISO 10083
Reference Map Worldwide Manufacturer of PSA Generators
Oxymat A/S Fasanvej DK-3200 Helsinge Denmark