MondayTuesdayWenesdayThursdayFriday 1 My body Black and brown 2 Listen and color SB 60 3 Review No 2 4 Trace and color SB62 5 Cylinder Color finger paint 8 Match and color SB66 9 Color eyes PD Glue colored paper SB65 11 Color Ears PD Black and Brown Day Potatoes decorate Look and finger paint SB64 23 Color Nose PD55 24 Draw what´s missing SB61 25 Color Mouth PD54 26 Kiwi day Taste and color 29 Jeans Day arms PD Play/Story telling Legs color PD57 Tel ENGLISH ACTIVITIES 12 Black and brown day (vestidos de negro o chocolate) 15 al 19 Vacaciones 15 al 18 (servicio de guarderia normal) 26 Kiwi day 29 Jeans Day Words Eyes Nose Mouth Ears Arms Finger Leg Potatoe Kiwi Number 1 to 5 cylinder Brown Black T. Tecla S. /T. Adriana
MondayTuesdayWenesdayThursdayFriday 1 Means of transportation Color Black and brown 2 Number 7 3 Count color and paint SB60 4 Look and whatch SB61 5 Cylinder Finger paint 8 Look and color SB63 9 Trace and circle SB65 10 Shapes Finger paint PD56 11 Maze SB67 12 Black and Brown day Potatoes Decorate Finger paint Bike PD Found and color SB Color bus PD51 25 Color Truck PD52 26 Kiwi day Taste and color 29 Jeans day Train and plane PD53/54 30 Play and story telling Color car and boat PD50/55 Tel Words Seven Brown Black Car Bike Plane Boat Kiwi Bus Potatoe Cylinder ENGLISH ACTIVITIES 12 Black and brown day (vestidos de negro o chocolate) 15 al 19 Vacaciones 15 al 18 (servicio de guarderia normal) 26 Kiwi day 29 Jeans Day T. Tecla S. /T. Adriana
MondayTuesdayWenesdayThursdayFriday 1 My Pets P64/66 HH 2 Amazing Animals P57/58 CR 3 Number 7 Paste 4 Fish P67 HH 5 Solid shape Cylinder 8 Trace numbers HH68 9 Cut and paste CR59 10 Listend and draw HH69 11 Find and circle the ducks CR63 12 Black and brown day Potatoedecorate Letter D 23 Find the animal that dosen´t belong HH70 24 Paste Cut-out 71/115 HH 25 Turtle HH73 26 Kiwi day Color and Taste 29 Jeans day Craft 30 Reading day Tel Words Seven Fish Turtle Dog Cat Brown Black Potatoe Jeans Kiwi Letter D Book Jeans Cylinder ENGLISH ACTIVITIES 12 Black and brown day (vestidos de negro o chocolate) 15 al 19 Vacaciones 15 al 18 (servicio de guarderia normal) 26 Kiwi day 29 Jeans Day T. Aneesha B. /T. Adriana
MondayTuesdayWenesdayThursdayFriday 1 Animals HH65 2 Draw lines and match CR 87 3 Number 13 4 Happy and sad Turtle HH71 5 Cylinder Solid Shape 8 Letter T 9 Draw your favorite animal HH73 10 Count and write the correct number HH72 11 How many count and write CR86 12 Black and Brown day Potato Decorate Car, Bus and taxi Match CR78/79 23 Number Count big, small and all CR88 25 Fillings Happy, sad, tired, angry CR40 26 Kiwi day Taste and decorate 29 Jeans day Craft 30 Reading day Tel Words Thirteen Fourteen Brown Black Vacation Potatoe Cylinder Fish Cat Dog Turtle Happy Sad Tired Angry Book Car Bus Taxi ENGLISH ACTIVITIES 12 Black and brown day (vestidos de negro o chocolate) 15 al 19 Vacaciones 15 al 18 (servicio de guarderia normal) 26 Kiwi day 29 Jeans Day T. Aneesha B. /T. Adriana
MondayTuesdayWenesdayThursdayFriday 1 Animals HH64/66 2 At the Zoo CR87 3 Follow the path HH67 4 Complete the puzzle CR97 5 Cylinder shape 8 Same and different HH68 9 Cut and fold Take home book CR95/96 10 Cut and paste cut –outs HH69/ Paste the words in the correct place CR92 12 Black and Brown day Potato Decorate Cross out the animals or person that doesn´t belong HH70 23 Listen and paste cut-outs HH89/90/ Write numbrer 1 to 4 HH71 25 Count the animals write the number HH72 26 Kiwi day Taste and color 29 Jeans day Craft 30 Reading day Tel Words Brown Black Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Cylinder Vacations Giraffe Lion Monkey Elephant Monkey Dog Cat Jeans ENGLISH ACTIVITIES 12 Black and brown day (vestidos de negro o chocolate) 15 al 19 Vacaciones 15 al 18 (servicio de guarderia normal) 26 Kiwi day 29 Jeans Day Dear parents, its importat to roforce at home phonics and numbers, on internet you can find friendly pages for your kids. We practice at school on a Tablet. If you have one also there´s applications easy to download. Estimados padres, es importante que en casa refuercen los fonemas y números en ingles, pueden encontrar en internet paginas amigables para los niños. En clase tenemos aplicaciones en el tablet con las que practicamos, si tienen una pueden bajar aplicaciones. T. Aneesha B. /T. Adriana