830 Apply an equation to determine the density of an object based on its mass and volume.
Key concepts/skills: Level 1: Define key vocabulary. Level 2: Know the equation and the mathematical relationship between density, mass, and volume. Level 3: Use the equation in specific situations to determine the density of an object.
Key vocabulary Mass Volume Density Grams Milliliters Cubic centimeters
I.Mass A.The amount of matter in an object B.Measured in grams or kilograms C.Measured with a triple beam balance
Apply an equation to determine the density of an object based on its mass and volume. II. Volume A.The amount of space an object or substance takes up B. Measured in liters (L) milliliters (ml) = cubic centimeters (cm 3 ) or (cc’s) C. Measured with a graduated cylinder or a meter stick
Apply an equation to determine the density of an object based on its mass and volume. III. Density A.The amount of matter an object has in a specific amount of space B.Density = mass / volume C.Measured in g/ml, g/cm 3, or kg/m 3 D.Mass and volume are measured as above
Apply an equation to determine the density of an object based on its mass and volume. IV. Calculating density A. Of a regular solid 1. Find the mass in grams on a triple beam balance 2. Find the volume in ml or cm3 with a metric ruler or meter stick a. measure length x width x height 3. Put these values into the density equation
B. Of an irregular solid 1. Find the mass on the triple beam balance 2. Find the volume using a graduated cylinder a. note where the water line is b. gently place objects into cylinder c. how far up the water line moves is the volume 3. Put these values into the equation and solve
C. Of a liquid 1. mass the graduated cylinder without liquid in it 2. put the liquid in and take mass again 3. subtract the cylinder mass from the cylinder plus liquid mass (this gives you the mass of the liquid) 4. Measure the volume using a graduated cylinder 5. Put these values into the equation for density and solve