It is essential that CSU lead by example and continue to address sustainability “ ”
Sustainability at CSU is everyone's business “ ” Professor Andrew Vann Vice Chancellor and President
Cogeneration energy has been explored as a sustainability project at CSU since 2010.
By the following year, CSU identified that the centralised hot water system at CSU in Bathurst, which supplies hot water and heating for a large proportion of the campus, was a potential site for the installation of a cogeneration system.
Centralised hot water system at CSU in Bathurst? How does this work? Student Residences John Oxley Village Boilers Student Residences The Diggings Offices Offices Student Residences The Towers Uni Bar 1414 – Dining Hall Mason
In addition to energy savings, cogeneration also appealed because of its financial viability and the robustness of its technology.
Investing in sustainability projects to achieve CSU’s energy reduction targets is a rigorous process designed to ensure CSU receives value for money for the goods and services procured. INVESTING IN SUSTAINABILTY PROJECTS AT CSU EQUALS VALUE FOR MONEY FOR GOODS AND SERVICES PROCURED
In the case of cogen at CSU, some 12 months of data logging to develop a model of energy demands and a year’s worth of 30-minute interval energy consumption data for the campus was developed and analysed before the project was deemed to be viable. The data was needed to determine the best size cogeneration system for CSU’s needs.
The forecast energy and cost savings developed were also used to aid in understanding potential risks of the investment under a range of scenarios. CSU engaged an external consultant to assist with the feasibility assessment and development of a technical specification. The project was tendered and at the end of the process the CSU cogeneration contract was awarded to Clarke Energy Australia to install a 637kW system.
The manufacturing and delivery of the system to Bathurst took three months. The 22-tonne system was custom-made in Austria, transported to Hungary where it was fitted into a soundproof enclosure…. Austria Hungary
and then shipped to Australia
It arrived in Bathurst in April On-ground specialist staff in Bathurst worked on setting up the plant and configuring it to campus systems.
Cogeneration energy will drop CSU's total carbon footprint by about seven per cent Cogen energy will provide power and hot water to CSU buildings Cogen works towards CSU's commitment to achieving sound sustainability outcomes Cogeneration energy will power about 65 per cent of CSU's Bathurst campus
Forecast savings for CSU in Bathurst after converting to cogen: Period GHG Savings (Tonnes) Greenhouse Gases) Savings ($) 1 Year 2 Years 5 Years 10 Years ,350 28,700 $2,404,000 $1,153,000 $495,000 $247,000
Manufacturer Engine Type Fuel Type Electrical Output Thermal Output Hot Water Supply Temp Hot Water Flow Rate Cost of Project Operating Profile GE Jenbacher 29 Litre, 12 Cylinder reciprocating Natural Gas 637kW 711kW 95 deg C 33.9kL/hr 1.7 Milion (approx) 24 hours, 7 Days per week