Using the Zero Conditional


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Presentation transcript:

Using the Zero Conditional Medical Grammar Using the Zero Conditional

Zero Conditional The zero conditional is used to: State general truths State scientific facts Be careful using the zero conditional. It should only be used for situations or things that are always true or always happen. Make sure you don’t use the words “will” “may” “should” or similar words in this conditional.

Zero Conditional The zero conditional consists of two parts: The “main clause” and The “if clause”

Zero Conditional The “main clause” takes the following form: Subject + simple present form of the verb The “if clause” takes the following form: If + subject + simple present form of the verb

Zero Conditional You can construct a sentence by either putting the “if clause” first and the “main clause” second, or you can reverse them.

Zero Conditional You can construct a sentence by either putting the “if clause” first and the “main clause” second, or you can reverse them. If you exert enough force on a bone, it breaks.

Zero Conditional You can construct a sentence by either putting the “if clause” first and the “main clause” second, or you can reverse them. If you exert enough force on a bone, it breaks. A bone breaks if you exert enough force on it.

Zero Conditional You can construct a sentence by either putting the “if clause” first and the “main clause” second, or you can reverse them. If you exert enough force on a bone, it breaks. A bone will break if you exert enough force on it. Notice in the first sentence where the comma “,” is placed, and notice that in the second sentence there is no comma at all.

Zero Conditional Examples: If you cool water to 0 degrees C, it freezes.

Zero Conditional Examples: If you cool water to 0 degrees C, it freezes. If you add acid to water, the pH falls.

Zero Conditional Examples: If you cool water to 0 degrees C, it freezes. If you add acid to water, the pH falls. If you reduce a fracture improperly, it heals incorrectly.

Zero Conditional Test yourself (1) I / drink / to much alcohol / I / get / sick

Zero Conditional Test yourself (1) I / drink / to much alcohol / I / get / sick If I drink to much alcohol, I get sick.

Zero Conditional Test yourself (2) My friend / eat / peanuts / her / throat / swell

Zero Conditional Test yourself (2) My friend / eat / peanuts / her / throat / swell / shut If my friend eats peanuts, her throat swells shut.

Zero Conditional Test yourself (3) Fatty tissue / place / in water / it / float

Zero Conditional Test yourself (3) Fatty tissue / place / in water / it / float If you place fatty tissue in water, it floats.

Zero Conditional Test yourself (4) cut / finger / bleed / your

Zero Conditional Test yourself (4) cut / finger / bleed / your If you cut your finger, it bleeds.

Zero Conditional When talking about the body, sometimes we feel that the zero conditional is correct, but when talking about a disease condition or a patient or a physiological process, we often need to use the First Conditional. The first conditional is used to talk about thing that MAY happen, either now or in the future.