Jessie Shirley Bernard ( ) The Future of Marriage (1972) “His” and “Her” Marriages Husbands and wives experience marriage differently. Not meaning that they recall the events of marriage differently, which they do. Not meaning that they want different things out of marriage, which they do. Meaning that they experience different objective realities of marriage.
Jessie Shirley Bernard ( ) The Authority Structure of Marriage Husbands think they have more power than they do. Wives think they have less power than they do. Power relationships are rooted in the economic, political, and religious foundations of our society. The Future of Marriage (1972)
Jessie Shirley Bernard ( ) The Subversiveness of Marriage When men exert power, they are rewarded; when women exert power, they are punished. When societies allocate power on the basis of tradition rather than merit, they create a host of statuses and roles that are less productive and functional than they could and should be. The Future of Marriage (1972)
Jessie Shirley Bernard ( ) The Future of Marriage? If women’s marriages were improved, would men’s marriages be worsened? Questions: To what extent has “women’s liberation” liberated men? Is the social construction of marriage a zero-sum game? The Future of Marriage (1972)