Ser & Estar To be & To be
Ser = to be Yo soy ( I am) Tú eres ( you are) Él/ Ella/ Usted es( he/she is; you are) Nosotros somos ( we are) Ellos/ Ellas/ Ustedes son (they are; you guys are)
Uses of Ser ► Origin – to say where someone or something is from. Ex. Yo soy de Pt. Pleasant. (I am from Pt. Pleasant) ► Relationships – ex. Ella es mi hermana. (She is my sister), Somos amigos. (We are friends) ► Physical characteristics- hair color, build, etc. Ex. Yo soy alto. ( I am tall) ► Personality characteristics – Ex. Ustedes son graciosos. (You guys are funny.) Ella es seria. (She is serious.) ► Possession – show ownership. Ex. La casa es mía. (The house is mine.), El libro es de Timo. (The book is Timo’s.) ► Profession- careers and jobs Ex. Yo soy una profesora. ( I am a teacher), Ustedes son estudiantes. ( You guys are students) ( I am a teacher), Ustedes son estudiantes. ( You guys are students)
Uses of Ser ► Identification- when identifying anything Ex. Estos son calcetines. (These are socks.), Whiskers es un gato. (Whiskers is a cat.) ► Date- Ex. Hoy es el veintitres de octubre. (Today is Oct. 23 rd.) ► Time- Ex. ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) Son las dos. (It’s 2 o’clock.) ► Nationality- Ex. Ella es mexicana. (She is Mexican.) ► Natural Color- Ex. La leche es blanca. (The milk is white.) Nuestra bandera es roja, blanca, y azul. (Our flag is red, white, and blue.)
Estar = to be Yo estoy ( I am) Tú estás ( you are) Él/ Ella/ Usted está (he,she is; you are) Nosotros estamos (we are) Ellos/ Ellas/ Ustedes están (they are, you guys are)
Uses of Estar (PLUM) ► P hysical Condition- how you feel ex. Yo estoy enfermo. ( I am sick), Ella est á cansada. (she is tired) ► L ocation- where a person or thing is located ex. ¿ D ó nde est á s? (Where are you?), Mi libro est á en mi armario. (My book is in my locker) ► U nnatural color- La nieve est á amarilla. (The snow is yellow.) La manzana est á azul. (The apple is blue.) ► M ood- Yo estoy triste. (I am sad.) Ella est á de buen humor. (She is in a good mood.)