Diligence Study of a Related Family of Greek Words
Diligence Defined In this lesson, we focus on the Biblical concept of diligence, as communicated through a related family of Greek words. The primary verb speudō means “(1) to be in a hurry, hurry, hasten; (2) to cause something to happen or come into being by exercising special effort, hasten; (3) to be very interested in discharging an obligation, be zealous, exert oneself, be industrious, in the Gr-Rom. world a mark of civic excellence.” The verb spoudazō, the adjective spoudaios, the adverb spoudaiōs, and the noun spoudē all communicate similar ideas.
Physical Application Used of Mary’s visit with her relative Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-40). Used of the shepherds visit with the Christ Child (Luke 2:15-18, esp. vs. 16). Used of Zaccheus’ eagerness in receiving Jesus and hearing His message (Luke 19:1-6, esp. vs. 5-6). It is used of Saul/Paul’s hasty departure from Jerusalem soon after his conversion (Acts 22:17-21, esp. vs. 18). Sadly, it is also used of the hasty murder of John the Baptist (Mark 6:21-29, esp. vs. 25).
Spiritual Application Diligence in Association Diligence in Benevolence Diligence in Entreaty Diligence in Growth Diligence in Repentance Diligence in Service Diligence in Teaching Diligence in Unity Diligence to the End