Army Polytechnic School Department of Languages Incidence of the English Area teachers management and leadership in the teaching and learning process in the high school students at UEE La Dolorosa, Quito, during the first term of the school year AUTHORS: MSc. María Teresa Chiriboga V. Lic. Juan Carlos Morales J. DIRECTOR: Dra. María Teresa Llumiquinga CO-DIRECTOR: Dr. Oswaldo Villa
Basic Aspects of the Presentation Research ProblemObjectivesTheoretical FrameworkMethodological Design Analysis and interpretation of Results Conclusions and Recommendations Proposal
Main Problem Does classroom management and leadership styles of the English Area teachers at UEE “La Dolorosa” influence in the teaching and learning process of ESL? Variables Independent Variable: Incidence of the English Area teachers’ management and leadership. Dependent Variable: English teaching and learning processes.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES To determine the kind of leadership and management practiced at UEE “La Dolorosa” To analyze if the English Area teacher’s management and leadership affects the teaching and learning process. To design a proposal to improve the educational management and leadership of the English Area staff at “La Dolorosa” High School. To determine the kind of leadership and management practiced at UEE “La Dolorosa” To analyze if the English Area teacher’s management and leadership affects the teaching and learning process. To design a proposal to improve the educational management and leadership of the English Area staff at “La Dolorosa” High School. InstitutionTeachers Educational /Institutional External Factor Internal Factor Psychological process - Teaching Learning Training Styles Strategies MASTER techniques Achieve Educational Goals
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To relate enterprise management with school management. To analyze the leaderships styles of the English area staff at UEE La Dolorosa. To analyze the importance of the teachers’ management and leadership models in the learning processes. To relate enterprise management with school management. To analyze the leaderships styles of the English area staff at UEE La Dolorosa. To analyze the importance of the teachers’ management and leadership models in the learning processes. Similarities Connection Advantages Modifies the Environment Enhances School Success Instructional Transformational Situational
Theoretical Framework Leadership and management The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge Classroom Management Teaching and Learning Process Principles Styles Correlation Enterprise – Educational Strategist of Century Impact on Business Learning Organization Motivation Discipline Teacher skills Education-Teaching-Learning Understand factors of influence Learner Methods (Teaching Techniques)
Educational Leadership “Positive influence to make others change their preferences to accomplish institutional goals.” (Bolívar, 2000 Liderazgo, Mejora, Cent. Educ.) New models of Leadership requires develop Intellectual Leadership Do Things Right – Do Right Things
Leadership Styles Instructional Transformational Situational
The Fifth Discipline by P. Senge Intelligent Organizations exploit the collective expertise, talents and abilities of all people who want succeed as a team Systems Thinking Personal Mastery Mental Models Shared Vision Team Learning Processes taking place inside have training educational character Schools as Learning Organizations
Factors related to psychological processes involved in the teaching - learning foreign languages The subject factors conditioned by objective factors. Individuality cognitive, affective factors and social interaction (Vygotsky, Luria, and Wertch) External factors / environmental features no related to willingness Social and cultural factors: different social backgrounds, socioeconomic and cultural characteristics Educational and institutional factors: policies and systems, institutional characteristics, methodologies, schedules, and the educational environment
Teaching techniques in English as a second language ApproachLanguage LearningLanguage Teaching Direct Method Everyday spoken language Associate meaning with the TL directly. spoken language no native translation Communicative Language Communicative competence. Interact with others negotiate meaning. information gaps, role plays, games. Suggestopedia Meaningful texts.Overcome psychological barriers to learning. Desuggest limitations Community Language Learning Teacher- students interpersonal relationships. Student generated Induce grammar, get independence Supportive teacher, reduce anxiety and fears holistic humanistic. Cooperative learning Work together effectively Learning from each other in groups. Teach collaborative or social skills Multiple intelligences Students have unique strengths. Learn how to learn.Teach learning strategies, variety of activities
Hypothesis The practice of an effective management and leadership in the English Area staff will improve the ESL teaching and learning process of the high school students at UEE La Dolorosa, Quito, during the first term of the school year ”
Methodological Design Study conducted Documentary Descriptive Exploratory Field research Data Analysis Descriptive, Deductive Analytic-synthetic, Statistical The problem as it happens in Real Context Identify components of the problem
Methodological Design Population (UEE la Dolorosa High School) 373 Students4 English Teachers 190 Students 4 English Teachers SIMPLE RAMDOM SAMPLE N= population z= Confidence 95%= 1,96 o= 0,5 standard deviation e= 0,05 sample error Authorities Principal Vice principal Authorities Principal Vice principal
The steps of chi-square test : Write the observed frequencies in column O Figure the expected frequencies and write them in column E. Use the formula to find the chi-square value:
X² = (O - E)² E O Observed Frequency in each category E Expected Frequency in each category df is the "degree of freedom" (n-1) X² is Chi Square The critical value is 226,413.Chi square= 2383, 29 Chi-square is larger than the critical value, therefore the Null Hypothesis is rejected. The steps of chi-square test : Find the df. (N-1) Find the table value (consult the Chi Square Table.) If the chi-square value is equal to or greater than the table value, reject the null hypothesis.
The Research ParticipantsNºInstrumentAspectsData Students190SurveyEnglish teachers leadership and classroom management style 93% teachers have attitude and skills to motivate students. 83% teacher maintain a high control over students, are inflexible. 94% decisions by consensus. 89% teacher affects their learning process. 85% learning environment is harmonious and stimulating. Teachers4SurveyTheir own leadership and classroom management style 75% attitude and skills to motivate students to their own improvement. 75% must exert high control over students. 50% make decision by consensus with students. 100% leadership inside the English area is based on monitoring and controlling. 100% leadership style affects the learning process. 75% there is not a team work for decision making when changing learning methodologies
General Conclusions Null hypothesis was rejected Leadership style used in class affects the teaching and learning processes vertical and hierarchical leadership affects the teachers’ leadership National Education Association 36% “Negative students attitudes and discipline” “Teacher lost control of classroom becomes difficult to take control again”. Moskowits & Hayman Time it takes to correct misbehavior Caused by poor leadership skills Results in a lower rate of academic commitment
Recommendations The English area teachers should modify their instructional leadership style, to a situational and transformative. Regarding to leadership, the institution should change the leadership style. Develop strategies to maintain English area staff strengths. To present the research results to the authorities and the English. Train teachers continuously on educational leadership and management.
Proposal Workshops at UEE "La Dolorosa" for teachers and authorities on the new models of executive management and leadership Specific objectives: Provide current theoretical framework to interpret and understand these new trends Provide methodological strategies and resources to carry out effective management and develop an adequate job of counseling and educational supervision.
Emphasis on the active and interactive presentations together with participants activities, formal discussion and presentation of conclusions. Individual and small group activities on the principles and practices developed in the workshop. We will work with case analysis and permanently reference theory to reality. Methodology
Program ObjectivesStrategiesResponsibleResourcesAssessment Provide current theoretical framework to interpret and understand the complex dynamics of educational management and leadership. To convoke a work session. Perform roles dynamic. Analyze the characteristics of the roles played in the dynamics. Convey theoretical information through the demonstration method. Project proponent Overview of trends and theories of management and leadership. Computer, projector, whiteboard and markers classroom, lunch. Issues agreed
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