YOUR TASK: 1.Make up an appropriate title and write it in your book. 2.Write at least 5 bullet points that summarise what message this diagram is trying to put across. This is a picture from a Geography GCSE text book.
Aims of today's lesson: Must (level 5): Know what development means and be able to explain how it is measured. Be able to say how developed Brazil is. Should (level 6): Be able to talk about which measures of development are any good. Know which countries are richer and poorer than Brazil. Could (level 7): Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
GDP = Gross Domestic Product. This is like taking all of the money that we earn as a class and finding the average. Average pocket money per week for a 12 or 13 year old = £5 Average wage for a teacher per week = £300 There are approx 30 students in this room so 30 x £5 = £150 There are two teachers in this room, so 2 x £300 = £600 The average income for this room is therefore (£150 + £600) 32= £23.44 TASK:Write a new title ‘Gross Domestic Product’ What is GDP? Is it a good measure of development? What’s good about it, what’s not so good? EXTENSION: Look at the Big Mac Index handout. How does this change the measure of GDP? MUST Know what development means & explain how it is measured. SHOULD Talk about which measures of development are any good. Name countries that are richer and poorer than Brazil. COULD Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
The Big Mac Index. EXTENSION: Look at the Big Mac Index handout. How does this change the measure of GDP? MUST Know what development means & explain how it is measured. SHOULD Talk about which measures of development are any good. Name countries that are richer and poorer than Brazil. COULD Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
Other indicators to look at. TASK: Choose one of the four development indicators at the top of page Write a definition for it. 2.Say how the indicator would show development. EXTENSION: Explain whether or not it’s any good. Example of a decent L5 answer: Life Expectancy 1.Life expectancy is how long on average people can expect to live. 2.In rich countries people can live for a long time as healthcare is good and they have plenty to eat. In poor countries people do not live for very long as healthcare is poor and they are often malnourished. This is because the country has no money to feed and look after people. EXTENSION: I think that this is a good measure of development because it looks at two things rather than one; medical care and food. MUST Know what development means & explain how it is measured. SHOULD Talk about which measures of development are any good. Name countries that are richer and poorer than Brazil. COULD Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
How developed is Brazil? 1. Put the following countries in rank order, according to the two measures of development: GDP (PPP) Brazil7800 China4580 India2700 Kenya1000 Portugal11900 UK26400 USA35800 Life Expectancy Brazil68 China71 India64 Kenya45 Portugal76 UK78 USA77 2.Which countries are always higher than Brazil and which are always lower? EXTENSION: Which is the most accurate? How could we make it more accurate? Why do you think Brazil is richer than many poor countries? MUST Know what development means & explain how it is measured. SHOULD Talk about which measures of development are any good. Name countries that are richer and poorer than Brazil. COULD Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
Now answer questions 5 and 7 on page 109 of your text book. You need to write in full sentences to get the best level. EXTENSION: Create a spider diagram to show how the level of wealth of a country affects the quality of life. I’ll start you off… Levels of development and quality of life No access to clean water People walk a long way to get water. People catch diseases from the dirty water. More deaths. There are no well paid jobs MUST Know what development means & explain how it is measured. SHOULD Talk about which measures of development are any good. Name countries that are richer and poorer than Brazil. COULD Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
Aims of today's lesson: Must (level 5): Know what development means and be able to explain how it is measured. Be able to say how developed Brazil is. Should (level 6): Be able to talk about which measures of development are any good. Know which countries are richer and poorer than Brazil. Could (level 7): Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.
Plenary – what can you remember? 1.Development Indicator 2.Kenya 3.Purchasing Power 4.Cars per Life Expectancy 1.Disparity 2.Quality of Life 3.Infrastructure 4.Population Pyramid 5.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) MUST Know what development means & explain how it is measured. SHOULD Talk about which measures of development are any good. Name countries that are richer and poorer than Brazil. COULD Talk about which measures of development are the best to use. Show how development affects quality of life in Brazil.