Hampshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Summary of 2010 update Susan Hird Consultant in Public Health NHS Hampshire
Objectives and methods Purpose of JSNA Process -Update of 2008 JSNA -Joint HCC and NHS Hampshire group Engagement with districts
JSNA sections Demography Social and environmental context Children and young people Lifestyle Ill health Adult social care Death Residents’ voice
Changes from last JSNA Better social care information available Children and young people section included Enhanced ‘voice’ section
Key findings High level needs: Ageing population but also 24% under age of 20 Healthy population but areas of concentrated deprivation and poorer health persist (Gosport, Havant, Rushmoor) Deprivation and poorer health across county in pockets Demand for services not always consistent with need
Key areas for action Children and young people AND ageing population Scarce resources – more joint working and commissioning across health and social care Decisions about resources must be made fairly, efficiently and effectively, based on need Services must meet need, not demand
Hampshire population pyramid 2009 and
Life expectancy at birth, MalesFemales
Premature mortality (death in people under the age of 75)
Children and young people – changes in recent years Increasing diversity of the population Greater demand for safeguarding services Economic downturn
Children and young people - demography 24% of Hampshire’s population under age of 20 (307,500 C&YP) Birth rate increasing across Hampshire particularly Gosport, East Hampshire, Havant and Test Valley
Inequalities - children living in poverty
Inequalities Only 30.5% of 16 year olds eligible for free school meals achieved five A*-C grade GCSEs (or equivalent), including English and Maths in 2009/10 91% of children in care did not achieve five A*-C grade GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and Maths in 2009/10 More year olds are pedestrian casualties on Hampshire roads than any other age group, with 55 young casualties in % of Year 6 pupils, 22% of Year 7 pupils and 15% of Year 9 pupils reported that they had experienced bullying in school
Children looked after
Child protection plans
Impact of economic downturn?
Health services: childhood vaccination
Changes arising from Government White Papers JSNA taking on “much greater importance” Delivery of JSNA through H&WB board
Next steps Use JSNA to inform JHWS (Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy) Start planning for next JSNA