Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through the Exercise Referral Programme Average health status in Sunderland is poorer than across England as a whole 11 of 25 wards are ranked within the 10% most deprived nationally 16.6% of Sunderland population aged under 65 suffer from a long term limiting illness or disability Only 20.03% of adults are meeting national guidelines of 3 x 30 min physical activity each week Lifestyle behaviours, smoking, diet & alcohol consumption are poorer in Sunderland than the average for England Many illnesses GP’s see every day are ones that could potentially have been avoided, or their seriousness reduced “Taking part in the programme has really changed my life….I feel more active and I really enjoy the company during the sessions”
Objectives Ensure that people at risk are identified sooner & referred to the programme providing a treatment to complement or compete with other interventions To promote & encourage the integration of exercise & raised physical activity levels into lifestyle patterns To elicit the co-operation of health care professionals in referring to the programme & to make them aware of the benefits of exercise for certain conditions To provide participants with the confidence to become independent exercisers upon completion of the programme Support lifestyle change to prevent chronic diseases developing or worsening, to keep people as healthy as possible even when they have an established condition To network with community based leisure operations to provide maximum opportunities for patients referred to engage in appropriate physical activity To market a high quality service offering safe and effective exercise to those referred
Results Currently delivered within 6 Wellness Centres by NHS & Local Authority staff 125 GP’s & HCP’s from all 59 practices refer into the programme In addition, referrals are received from the Cardiac Rehab Team, Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, the Mental Health Unit, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Rheumatology, Endocrinology & Gynaecology departments residents each year are referred to the 15 week programme Referral conditions include CVD, muscular, skeletal, respiratory, metabolic, mental health, CHD & weight related conditions Physical activity levels increase for all completing the programme Feedback from referring agents is positive “Patient feedback is excellent; It is a worthwhile programme” (Local GP)
Conclusions The successful partnership between SCC & STPCT has enabled the delivery of the programme. The extensive training programme in place has provided staff with skills & knowledge to deliver to individuals with high risk factors Success is largely due to the individual support & personalised programme each client receives An effective communication strategy was essential ensuring referring agents were aware of the programme The success of the Exercise Referral programme led to its inclusion in a recent award submission for which SCC and STPCT were awarded Beacon status for Reducing Health Inequalities in Providing a menu of opportunities including gym, classes, cycling, walking & aqua activities will contribute to adherence to physical activity following the supported 15 weeks