Economics November 15, Warm up—According to Marx, what is surplus value? 2. Child Labor: reading, discussion, questions (p ) 3. Government and the economy (notes)
Economics November 17, Warm up—Who owns a corporation? 2. Government and the economy 3. Practice quiz 4. Focus question: Do wealthy nations have an obligation to help poorer ones? 5. The people bomb (notes and discussion)
Economics November 18, Warm up—What area government is primarily responsible for education? 2. Quick review 3. Focus question: Do wealthy nations have an obligation to help poorer ones? 4. The people bomb (notes and discussion)
Economics November 19, Warm up— 2. Silent Review 3. EXAM 4. The people bomb
Economics November 22, Warm up—What is over- population? 2. The People Bomb 3. Measuring Economic Growth (notes and discussion)
Economics November 23, Warm up—How is culture a contributing factor to over- population? 2. Measuring economic growth 3. The people bomb continued
Economics November 24, Warm up—Examine the economics of Thanksgiving. 2. Measuring economic growth. 3. The people bomb (3 rd period only)
Economics November 29, Warm up—What is Gross Domestic Product? 2. GDP (notes, discussion, exercise) 3. P308 (1-7)
Economics November 30, Warm up—What area of GDP measures household expenditures? 2. GDP reviewed 3. GDP worksheet
Economics December 2, Warm up—Why are transfer payments not included in GDP? 2. GDP Worksheet 3. Credit: good or bad? 4. Notes/Questions/Discussion
Economics December 3, Warm up—What does a “change in inventories” mean? 2. Give two examples of allegedly unfair practices by credit card companies. Explain. 3. What hurdles have local authorities faced in trying to regulate credit card companies? 4. An increase in GDP: good or bad?
Economics December 6, Warm up—In calculating GDP, what does I include? 2. When GDP’s up/when GDP’s down 3. Keynes (p370) 4. Savings and Investment
Economics December 7, Warm up—In calculating GDP, what types of government payments are not included? 2. Quick review 3. Savings and Investment 4. More GDP practice
Economics December 8, Warm up—In calculating GDP, why are imports subtracted? 2. Ch12 Assessment (p ) 3. Technology/productivity(p ) 4. Predicting consequences (p and Additional practice) 5. Andrew Carnegie (p ) HOMEWORK: COMPLETE THESE ASSIGNMENTS
Economics December 9, Warm up—Who was Andrew Carnegie? 2. The Next Bill Gates? (article, discussion, quick write) 3. Technology/Productivity p Practice quiz