(a) Main Findings of the KHDR 2010 (I) Legislative framework and policies have high standards for inclusion Implementation and monitoring of laws and policies is a big problem The most vulnerable groups for social exclusion are: Children and Youth People with disabilities The long term unemployed and Kosovo RAE-Minorities
Check: ( ) (b)Human Development Index Global Human Development Report 2010
6. Chapter 2 | Economic and labour market exclusion
7. Chapter 2 | Economic and labour market exclusion
10. Chapter 2 | Economic and labour market exclusion
12. Chapter 3 | Access to education and exclusion Who is affected by exclusion from education? - Children with special needs - Minority children (especially Kosovo-RAE children) - Girls, especially those residing in rural areas, and - Children in poorer municipalities.
19. Chapter 5 | Political participation and exclusion
(c) Main Findings of the KHDR 2010 (II): Drivers of social exclusion Absence of high-level leadership on social inclusion issues; Lack of accountable implementation of legislation and policy; Disconnection between the public and governance cycles; Lack of social cohesion and alienation between Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo Albanians; Failure of sectoral interlinkages (e.g. Education and economy), and Pervasive socio-cultural discrimination holds back large segments of society;
Align education and vocational training with the needs of the labour market Need to develop skills demanded by the global market A lifelong work-readiness learning system should be introduced Adjustment curriculum to ensure high-school graduates have technical and technological competencies for skilled work Create work-training schemes in partnership with private employers Adult learning opportunities co-funded through NGOs and public-private partnerships.
Promote inclusion in health-care Prioritize health sector financing Law on health insurance Focus on preventive healthcare targeting poor, rural women, children, youth and RAE Locally targeted health campaigns Implement the legislation for people with disabilities