EPA BeGreen Resource Efficiency Programme “Living better, using less” Dr Jonathan Derham Environmental Protection Agency -
Resource Efficiency offers the means to achieve this seemingly impossible balance between allowing current generations in Ireland and worldwide to prosper and develop while safeguarding a future for those coming after us RESOURCE EFFICIENCY Waste Prevention Energy Efficiency Clean Technology Water Conservation Eco-Design Behavioural Change Resource Efficiency model employed
Examples of Key EPA BeGreen Programmes Green your Festival At its core, waste prevention is about people taking steps in their business and personal activities to adopt more resource efficient ways of operating
Is a Voluntary on-farm resource efficiency initiative Thomas Ryan, IFA Jane Brogan, EPA
Gap identified in national Resource Efficiency Programme National Recovery Plan Food Harvest 2020 – sustainable growth Need (not serviced by other programmes) Irish Agriculture for 2013 – Cost of inputs = €5.5 billion - Rationale
Using existing knowledge and expertise on improving farm returns and environmental benefits with better resource management UCDSEAITeagasc EPAFTMTAIFA Grassland Association NFGWS Fertiliser Association - Collaborative
top tips on how to save money doing the simple things better Increase efficiency /unit of production whole of farm approach Soil fertility Grassland Machinery Time management Inputs & waste EnergyFeed - Whole of Farm Approach € The double dividend !
Without soil test you do not know the amount of fertiliser to apply The annual cost of a soil test is 50 cents/ac/year Apply lime it could save you Low soil pH reduces availability of nutrients in soils and poorer response to applied fertiliser - Saves money & increases efficiency - Reduces nutrient losses to water The double dividend ! - Saves money & increases efficiency - Reduces nutrient losses to water The double dividend ! - Soil Fertility
- Dissemination & Implementation Smart Farming Guide IFA has 87,000 members and network of 947 branches Smart Phone App and IFA Farm Directory National Conference Farmers Journal 12 page supplement – readership 100,000
- On-farm Resource Efficiency Assessments (REAs) (Cost Saving Studies) On-farm REAs commenced in 2013 Six farms participated Mix dairy, beef, sheep, arable Aiming for average savings per farm €5,000 Agricultural & env. consultants used to carry our REAs Support of technical experts on project team
- Activities in 2014 Additional 30 on-farm resource efficiency assessments Across all farm types Clustered to utilise existing on-farm discussion groups Farmers informing farmers Findings of case studies uploaded to web and app Regional seminars
- Benefits e.g. Farmers – No to low-cost to implement Harvest 2020 Origin Green Economy Environment Emissions Inventory & Projections
Living Well, Within the limits of our planet
Thank you Questions For Agencies such as the EPA, influencing behaviour is central to establishing a successful, resource-efficient society