The Challenges Faced by Children in Kinship Care Lyn Browne Margot Rooney Child Protection Counselling Service Hunter New England Local Health District
What do we mean by kinship care?
Who are our kinship carers? Often single Often older Often women Often grandparents Poorer health Lower incomes Lower levels of education (Boetto 2010, Victorian DOHS 2000)
Themes / Challenges: A system undergoing reform Access to Education/Parenting Skills Access to Services Economic Issues Housing Health Issues (Yardley, Mason, Watson 2009, COTA 2012)
Themes / Challenges cont. Lack of Information Isolation Fears and Worries Stigma Family Friction Grief and Loss Contact/Access (Yardley, Mason, Watson 2009)
Profile of Kinship Carers: Profile of Kinship Carers: Grandmother and Grandfather caring for daughters’ children John 56 Jan 55 Sarah 32 Jane ?
Profile of Kinship Carers: Profile of Kinship Carers: Grandparents caring for grandchildren Joanne 68 John Geoff 35 Richard 37 Sarah 34 Jean George Olivia 89 GRANDPARENTS
Children’s Voices in Relation to Kinship Care: Positive experiences - familiarity - happiness - safety, belonging Disadvantages - communication - parenting styles - ill-health - less money, less energy (Boetto, H. (2010))
Assisting Kinship Carers Respite care Assistance with contact issues Carer counselling around issues of loss and guilt access to support groups Support, training re managing the behaviours of traumatised children Financial assistance Support re carer’s health issues (Paxman 2006)
Findings and Research More research around who is in kinship care, the issues, factors and outcomes for children Culturally sensitive research methods Comparative studies (Paxman 2006)
References: AIHW Child protection Australia Cat. no. CWS 35. Canberra: AIHW. Boetto, H. (2010) Kinship care: A Review of Issues Family Matters No. 85, Council of the Aging Forum Report: Grandchildren with a Second Chance FaHCSIA (2009) Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Australia Government Gibbons, L. Watson, E and Mason, J. Kinship Care as a Challenge to Child Welfare Constructs McHugh, M. (2009) A framework of Practice for Implementing a KK Program: Final Report Paddington NSW The Benovalent Society Patton, N (2003) The Effects of Parental Drug Use- Children in Kinship Care, A review of the literature, The Mirabel Foundation.
References Paxman, M (2006) An Issues Paper: Outcomes for children and young people in kinship care, NSW Dept of Community Services Uniting Care Burnside (2010) Grandparent Kinship Care in NSW Victorian Department of Human Services Audit (2000) Yardley A, Mason J & Watson E. (2009) Kinship Care in NSW: Finding a way forward, University of Western Sydney.