A STRANGE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN met me in the mirror the other night. Hey, I said, What are you doing here? She asked me the same thing.
THERE IS NO FRIGATE LIKE A BOOK To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry: This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears the human soul!
Denotation: dictionary meaning the word Example: Sun: star, round, which earth moves. Connotation: conditional meaning, contextual meaning, (thoughts and ideas associated with the words), suggested meaning Sun: sun’s child: god
D Home: a place where you live C Home: Longing (setiap libur pingin pulang) Warmth Noise Children Peace War HELL Etc. One word + other words (put in context)
Fire: something burning You are fire (addressed to a … girl) You and I are like fire and ice..