OFFLINE MEDIA Advertisement (1/4 Page) Metro (11/03 & 16/03) Humo, Télémoustique
Advertisement Metro
OFFLINE MEDIA Abri’s (locations: Alkmaar, Amstelveen, Amsterdam, Breukelen, Delft, Den Haag, Diemen, Haarlem, Hilversum, Houten, Leiden, Oegstgeest, Rotterdam, Utrecht) Humo, Télémoustique
OFFLINE MEDIA Boomerang cards (An edpnet promo team will distributed 200,000 cards in the same locations as the abri’s)
Boomerang Verso Recto
OFFLINE MEDIA PROMO TEAM (Team of 8 persons will shout for the edpnet campaign, they will carry a big banner and boards) Locations: Rotterdam, Leiden, Delft, Nijmegen and Tilburg
ONLINE MEDIA MSN & MMN (Microsoft Media Network) Pageviews/clicks: 18,181/3,861,000 Expandable Rectangle banner
ONLINE MEDIA Campaign site online: 11/03/2010
Homepage 1 _NL
Homepage with Tell a Friend function
Shoutshout NL E-cards
E-cards 1
E-cards 2
E-cards 3
Shoutshout NL Poster function
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