copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 1 Date: Matematica/Abstracts Translation of scientific knowledge from text/mathematics to (computer) code without any compromises according; flow,energy,thermodynamics.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 2 Date: Matematica/customers AGA; Measurement of gasflows (O2, N2, GNG…). Söderenergi; Calculation of energy production in powerplants. Siemens; Design of flow meters and calculations.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 3 Date: Matematica/History Founded >25 years ago by Stefan Rudbäck, civ ing (m Sc). First customers;Johnson mek verkstads AB, production of standard flowmeters (ex orifice plates), and AGA (gas production).
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 4 Date: Matematica Ex 1 Natural/Bio Gas flow calculation system with <0.7% unc (of actual flow) with Matematica.Lib hp tech. (or 0.4% with Matematica.Lib dpns tech).
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 5 Matematica dpns tech total system unc<0.4% Matematica hp tech sys unc<0.7% Fig showing Real unc of installed natural gas flow meters in Sverige compared with matematica hp and dpns tech
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 6 dp T Gas Chromatograph, GC Orifice plate 1. Complete Matematica hp system for natural gas in Nynäshamn P Gas flow Tube kg/h kg MW MWh
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid Software/ Matematica high prec system for natural gas
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 8 Matematica dpns tech total system unc<0.4% Matematica hp tech sys unc<0.7% Fig;Shows real error of installed steam flow meters in Sweden compared with Matematica hp and dpns tech Matematica/Ex_2 Steam
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 9 Difference btw different flow calculation methods for an application flow=k1*sqrt(dp) flow=k2*sqrt(dp) flow=matematica algorim*k2*sqrt(dp) gasexpansion Sharp (laminar) flow profile
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 10 Date: Matematica/Example_2 If You want the massflow in a system with a magnetic volume-flowmeter You have to do the following calculation; flow(kg/h)=flow(m3/h)*density(kg/m3). Simplified first order code often calculates density linear as a function of temperature. This can lead to an error of several %! Matematica Lib calculates density with 0.01% uncertainty including pressure
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 11 Date: How can this be realized? In 3 steps; 1. The knowledge/math is ”on the shelf”. 2. Computers like PC/control system are also ”on the shelf”. 3. The knowledge/math are moved from the bookshelf to the computers without compromises.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 12 Date: Why? Because calculation errors often result in; 1. Waste. 2. Poor quality. 3. The production cannot be developed in an optimal way.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 13 Date: How? With software from Matematica for 1.the desk/Processline and 2.the production line/ Matematica_Lib with or without hard/soft package
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 14 Date: Processline The software which makes new software/function blocks for control systems. Processline is the tool you need to design your production site as good as possible at your desk. Output from Processline as standardized code will save time and errors for You.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 15 Processline example of MMI/Steam
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 16 Processline example of MMI/ Flowmeter
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 17 Date: Ex; With Processline You can: 1.Identify flow calculation errors. 2.Eliminate the errors with better code. 3.Automatic generate the code with a click on Processline Kodfabriken/Bigblock Tag 4.Build a ”blindtarm” (dead end) that works side by side with the old code (if any). 5.Put the new code to work when it’s proven stable. Point 1-5 can reduce calculation errors from sometimes >10 to < 0.01%.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 18 Input area spec of flowmeter
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 19 Identify system critical errorsources
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 20 Generate standardized code with a click
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 21 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. KODFABRIKEN/Bigblock;Production of standardized control system code, IEC Calculation error<=0,0% of calculated flow q_pol_mat_PT For;10224 <q_pol_mat_PT< ,00 <P(kPaA)< 4640,00 30,0000 <T(C)< 40,0000 Scaling; 20 mA from dp-cell= kPa= 20 mA to control system Copyright (c) 2009 Matematica, +46-(0) Here follows parameters (In/Out), varibles (internal) and code for ABB Industrial IT for ex ControlBuilder och AC800M.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 22 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. Ex; Create a function block flow and then copy in 3 steps 1.parameters, 2.variables and 3.code from the report area of Processline with Ctrl-C and paste it into the ABB function block flow (mode structured text) with Ctrl-V
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 23 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. 2.Parameters (in and out signals); Prealin BarA Trealin C densityrealoutkg/m3 dpcellrealinkPa,=signal from dp-cell, linear or square root calculated dp_maxrealin kPa=20 mA dp_rotboolin00=linear/1=square root calculating dp-cell q_pol_mat_PTrealoutkg/h,PT compensated & matematica algorithm calculated flow,use this signal
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 24 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. 3.Variables (internal signals); q_pol_matrealkg/h,matematica algorithm calculated flow, not to be used q_rot_matrealkg/h,square root calculated flow, not to be used fmatreal dprealkPa,=calc dp = dpcell at linear dp-cell fdens_matreal kvotreal PkPareal Tmaxreal Tminreal Pmaxreal Pminreal kompminmaxreal kompmaxmaxreal kompminminreal kompmaxminreal
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 25 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. 4.Code as structured text ST *) kompminmin:=1.0; kompmaxmin:=1.0; kompminmax:=1.0; kompmaxmax:=1.0; PkPa:=P* ; Tmax:= ; Tmin:= ; Pmax:= ; Pmin:= ; kompminmax:= ; kompmaxmax:= ; kompminmin:= ; kompmaxmin:= ;
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 26 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. kvot:=(kompminmin*(Tmax-T)*(Pmax- PkPa)+kompmaxmin*(T-Tmin)*(Pmax- PkPa)+kompminmax*(Tmax-T)*(PkPa-Pmin) +kompmaxmax*(T-Tmin)*(PkPa-Pmin)) /(Tmax-Tmin)/(Pmax-Pmin); fdens_mat:=sqrt(PkPa/ * /(T )*kvot* ); dp:=dpcell; if dp_rot then dp:=dpcell*dpcell/dp_max/dp_max*dp_max; end_if;
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 27 Date: Generate standardized control system code with Processline/kodfabriken/Bigblock, exemple GNG. q_rot_mat:= *Sqrt(dp); fmat:=( E- 12*expt(q_rot_mat,2)* /(P* ))/ *( /expt(q_rot_mat,0.75))/ ; q_pol_mat:=q_rot_mat*fmat; q_pol_mat_PT:=q_pol_mat*fdens_mat; density:=PkPa/ * /(T )*kvot* ;
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid Build a ”blindtarm” ”dead end” to be debugged or compared with old code (if exists). After 1 week/month/year put the new code into action!
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 29 Date: Matematica.Lib. The function library that uses scientific state of the art knowledge without compromises. Ex: Stem Power/energy calculation with Matematica.Lib can reduce the calc error from typical 5% to<0.3%
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 30 Power/energy calc with Matematica.Lib general function blocks
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 31 Part_1
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 32 Part_2
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 33 Date: Matematica.Lib. Double precision non stop technology. Specify your demands for; Production reliability and Production precision and Matematica will meet those demands (Ex; see below)
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 34 Date: Ex 1; Detection and elimination of flow profile errors from US/Mag-meters.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 35 Date: Double precision non stop technology. Ex 1; Dp1dim_fpdc_flow. 1. Detects and corrects flow profile changes; laminar-transient-turbulent without any additional error Correction factor for laminar flow=0,77889 flow signal from flowmeter=100 Corrected flow=77,889 No correction factor for calibrated flow Correction factor for turbulent flow=1,0062
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 36 Reynolds number 100 % turbulent flow profile Simplified Graphics showing flow profile uncertainty in the transient area % laminar flow profile Transient area =both turbulent and laminar flow possible Double precision non stop technology. Ex 1; Dp1dim_fpdc_flow. 1. Detects and corrects flow profile changes; laminar-transient-turbulent without any additional error
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 37 Real flow Simplified Graphics showing flowsignal from US-Mag with and without correction Reynolds number Double precision non stop technology. Dp1dim_fpdc_flow function block eliminates flow signal errors from 1 dim flowmeters calibrated for 1 Reynolds number ex US/Mag flow signal with Dp1dim_fpdc_flow Transient area =both turbulent and laminar flow possible Reynolds number 2000 Unknown flow signal Calibrated flow signal US/Mag flow signal without Matematica
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 38 Double precision non stop technology. Horrible downsizing with additional costs and errors not necessary any more Mag/US NEW INSTALLATION with Matematica Dp1dim_fpdc_flow software =no additional costs and errors Tube FORGET THIS HORRIBLE INSTALLATION with Matematica Dp1dim_fpdc_flow software Mag/US with Matematica dpns software
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 39 T1T2T3 T4 T_avg Meausure of 4 temps in a tube Failure of transmitter 4 = no problem (compare with simple calc ( )/4=4>>2.146) Double precision non stop technology. Ex 2; Dpns statistical calc of best possible value Signal unlikely value
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 40 Let T4_stat_proc_value control the wheight factor wf4 (T4_proc=wf4*T4_stat_proc and so on for 1,2,3) =(1+2+3)/3
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 41 Matematica.Lib.dpns block under normal conditions T1T2T3T4 T_avg
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 42 Example; Improvement of a Power/energy calc system with Matematica.Lib function blocks double precision non stop (dpns) and flow profile block dp_flow. dpns Return temp dpns Forward temp Dp1dim_fpdc_flow TF1 TF2 TF3 TF4 TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 q1 q2 q3 q4 Matematica.Lib Power/energy calculation system (see page 28-30) Matematica.Lib Power/energy double precision non stop technology and more/less transmitters dpns Return flow Dp1dim_fpdc_flow
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 43 With Matematica double precision non stop technology the following is possible; -The measurement uncertainty can be reduced to a limit defined by the user (to a certain limit). -The reliability can be improved to a limit defined by the user. (transmitter failure will be non-stop handled by the system) -Transmitters can be simplified. It’s often better with multiple simple (cheap) transmitters than 1 advanced (expensive). Failures will be non-stop handled. -Safety system operating parallell with the production system can be eliminated. Failures will be non-stop handled. -Real transmitter errors will be calculated.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 44 Exemple of Matematica.Lib funktion blocks
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 45 Example of Matematica.Lib function blocks
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 46 Matematica.Lib in list form
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 47 Matematica.Lib in list form 2
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 48 Matematica.Lib steam MMI
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 49 Matematica high precision calculation system for GNG flow in a pipe. Output kg and energy amount. dp temp pressure Gas comp from GC kg MWh Measured values from transmitters In operation at AGA LNG terminal in Nynäshamn/Sweden
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 50 Matematica high precision measurement and calculation system for GNG. System total uncertainty<0.7%.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 51 Matematica:Lib Natural Gas GNG density calculation Code based on ISO <0.1% uncertainty >1400 statements of code in GNGdens function block Siemens PCS 7 /ABB CB General and precise
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 52 Matematica:Lib Naturgas GNG flow calculation Code based on ISO 5167 = 0.5% uncertainty >450 statements of code in ISO_5167 function block (orifice plates, venturis and nozzles) Siemens PCS 7/ABB CB General and precise
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 53 Matematica:Lib Naturgas GNG totalization of power to energy with function block Totalizer_3. Code developed by Matematica with 84 digits without underflow. May summarize in 100 years with 1 ms sampling <0.0001% underflow. Totalizer_3 function block appr. 800 statements of code Siemens PCS 7/ABB CB General and precise
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 54 Date: Matematica How can Your organisation and Matematica cooperate in the future? There are (at least) 4 possibilities;
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 55 Date: Matematica-Your organisation coop 1. Start point; Consult basis. Matematica designes/calculates/generates control system code with Processline.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 56 Date: Matematica-Your organisation coop 2. Developed coop; Licens agreement for Processline.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 57 Date: Matematica-Your organisation coop 3. Developed coop; Simulation licens (Windows) for Matematica.Lib.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 58 Date: Matematica-Your organisation coop 4. Developed coop; Simulation and online- license (Windows and Siemens/ABB) for Matematica.Lib.
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 59 Date: At last; I hope some of my soft or hard packages can help Your organisation to better business in the future. Do not hesitate to contact me for a discussion of the first step in a future cooperation. Regards Stefan Rudbäck, Man dir, civ ing, M Sc
copyright (c) 2011 Stefan Rudbäck, Matematica, , sid 60 Contact; Matematica Stefan Rudbäck, civ ing +46(0) skype; stefan.rudback