NanoFMF: Plastik og kvantemekanik Thomas Garm Pedersen Inst. for Fysik og Nanoteknologi Aalborg Universitet
Discovery of conducting plastics Alan Heeger Alan G. MacDiarmid Hideki Shirakawa Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000
Polyacetylene and Polyethylene Polyacetylene: unsaturated Polyethylene: saturated
Light emitting plastics at AAU
Typical polymers poly(para-phenylene-vinylene) poly(para-phenylene)
OLED design
Understanding the color
Quantum levels Small space means large energy!
Geometry and color Blue (440 nm) Green (500 nm) Infrared (2500 nm)
Polymers with rare-earth atoms Polymer synthesized by AAU chemistry department (D. Yu and K. Zhu) New infrared emitting polymers?
More Info:
Quantum Physics
Standing waves
Waves in atomic chains Discrete Schrödinger eq.
Two atoms
Four atoms
Longer chains Band gap
Alternating chains Band gap