Serves the authorities, the private sector and the public – both national and international Norway’s leading multidisciplinary research institute in the.


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Presentation transcript:

Serves the authorities, the private sector and the public – both national and international Norway’s leading multidisciplinary research institute in the field of use and protection of water bodies and water quality

Experience from more than 70 countries

NIVA-projects Each year NIVA accomplishes ca. 700 projects for the authorities, the private sector, The Research Council of Norway and the European Commision Projects are carried out according to ISO 9001 Accredited chemical analyses

Research fields Eutrophication Integrated Water Resources Management Contaminants Fish Ecology and Aquaculture Ecology and Biodiversity Water Treatment and Monitoring Technology Climate Change – effects, remedial actions and adaptation Acid rain and Liming Innovation Analytical Chemistry International projects

Pierre Jaccard BSc in Electronics MSc in Physics Instrumentation: – field, development, design Offshore, Mining Industry, Community, CSS, Climate, Aquaculture, Ocean Optics, Chemistry, Biology Ferryboxes, Satellite Currents (ADCP), Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, Fluorescence, Radiance, CO2, pH MyOcean Tutorial, NERSC, Bergen Pierre Jaccard7

Topics What are Ferryboxes? Ferrybox data management within MyOcean About Chl-a Measurements RTQC of in-situ data in MyOcean Howto get Ferrybox data from MyOcean MyOcean Tutorial, NERSC, Bergen Pierre Jaccard8

Acknowledgements (not in order) Kai Sørensen, NIVA Marit Norli, NIVA Are Folkestad, Rolls Royce Anna Birgitta Ledang, NIVA Dag Hjermann, NIVA Birger Bjerkeng, NIVA Laurent Bertino, NERSC MyOcean Tutorial, NERSC, Bergen Pierre Jaccard9