Definition of Motivation Motivation is what gives direction to our behavior by arousing, and directing it toward the attainment of some goal.
A Model of Motivation Needs and Drives Tension Effort Performance Rewards EnvironmentOpportunity Goals and Incentives Contoh : Internal need and drive : need for food tension : hunger examine surrounding external incentive (food) effort to achieve goal Need Satisfaction
Basic physical needs Safety and security needs Belonging & social needs Esteem and status needs Self actualization and fulfillment needs Primary needsSecondary needs Secondary needs : Conditioned by experience. Vary in type and intensity among people. Subject to change. Often hidden from conscious recognition. Vague feeling instead of specific physical needs.
Freud : Instinct Theory of Motivation 2 Basic Human Instincts: 1. Life Instincts : –Procreation and self preservation such as drive for food, water, warmth, sex 2. Death Instincts : –Urge towards death and destruction such as outwards, to compete, to conquer, to kill.
Freud : Instinct and Motivation Urges that are morally or socially unacceptable are pushed deep into unconscious Repression The repressed urge demands outlet through substitution Sublimation Example : –Boxing –Painting of nudes
Biological Motivation Hunger motivation Thirst motivation Sexual motivation
To Know and To Be - Effective Motives Stimulation and Exploration Needs motivation to know, to explore Effective Motivation to act competently and effectively. Motivation to be effective Self-Actualization Motivation to develop potentialities motivation to become
Social Motives Need for Achievement Need for Affiliation Need for Power
Frustration Frustration : blocking of behavior directed toward a goal. The causes of frustration : 1. Environmental forces that block goal 2. Personal inadequacies that make it impossible to reach goal 3. Conflicts between motives.
Types of Conflict Approach-Approach Conflict + Person + (antara nonton film atau band) Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict - Person - (antara di suntik atau obat pahit) Approach-Avoidance Conflict + Person - (ingin kerumah pacar tapi takut bapaknya) bapaknya)
Multiple conflicts Career Marriage Career Marriage + + + + - + - +
Class Discussion Give examples of different motives in everyday life Give examples of the types of conflict