HTPEM Fuel Cells - Analysis of usage in mobile applications - Introduction to the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark Research areas Educations Recent and current research activities Master thesis, 500 W PEM Fuel Cell system Reseach assistent, 3 kW DMFC UPS PhD project : Fuel Cell Shaft Power Pack
Development in Denmark from 80’ties to 90’ties: Central generation Local generation Source:
Research program organisation Institute of Energy Technology Electric Power Systems Power Electronic Systems Electrical Machines Fluid Power Systems Fluid Mechanics and Combustion Thermal Energy Systems Fuel Cell Research Program Industrial Partners Research Institutions
Overview of Educations at IET From next year an International M.Sc. Specialization on Windpower will be included! Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering High Voltage Engineering and Power systems Power Electronics and Drives Sustainable Energy Engineering (HyTec) Electro Mechanical System Design (EMSD) Fluids and Combustion Engineering (FACE) 8th to 10th sem Intro semester Electrical Energy Technology (EET) 6th to 7th sem B.Sc. & Honer Industry and export (In the future this will most likely be “Energy”) Electronics and Electrical Engineering 3rd to 5th sem BASIC YEAR 1st and 2nd sem Within the following years an energy study board will be formed to enhance the fundamental education (3rd to 5th semester) to be directed more towards energy technology.
Fuel cell research programme Mission To promote sustainable energy production by conducting definitive leading edge research at international level in fuel cell technology. Main Research Areas Fluid mechanics System modeling and optimization Advanced system control Power electronics Test systems
Stack and system test facilities Single cell test facilities HT-PEM DMFC Advanced stack tests Gas composition Humidity (anode, cathode) Heat management System test facilities
Design and Control of a 500W PEM Fuel Cell System Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering specialized in Electro-mechanical system design
3 kW DMFC Emergency Power Generator (APC) Research assistent, modeling of DMFC, steady state, dynamic, BoP
Research Project : Fuel Cell Shaft Power Pack (3.107 DKR) 2 Technical University PhD : Design and control of BoP , Power Electronics and motor design 1 Industrial PhD (Technological Institute of Denmark) : Stack charaterization and diagnostics 2 Mercantile PhD : Focus on the market, up-stream and down-stream 2 Educational institutions (Aalborg University, Copenhagen Business School) 1 GTS Danish Insititue of Technology 1 Component manufacturer (Parker) 3 R&D companies (Dantherm,HIRC,EGJ, H2Logic) 1 Composite materials company (Xperion) 4 Application companies (Electrical bike, Truck, Pallet handler…) 2 Power electronics companies (Migatronic , KK-Electronic)
Systemopbygning Possibilities for an overall configuration of a power pack Fuel Cell alone Fuel Cell og DC/DC-converter Advantages: Very simple system Disadvantages: Very large FC stack ($$ !) FC must handle power peaks High demands for motor and intverer Variating DC voltage FC Motor Inverter AC DC Advantages: Simple Steady DC inverter voltage Disadvantages: Very large FC stack ($$ !) FC handles power peaks FC Motor Inverter DC/DC DC AC
Systemopbygning Operation with FC, DC/DC-converter and buffer energy storage Energy storage : battery Energy storage : battery and super capacitor Energy storage : super capacitor FC Motor Inverter DC/DC DC AC Buffer Preferable system configuration FC Motor Inverter DC/DC DC AC BAT SCAP Adv.: Smaller FC stack Steady DC inverter voltage Super cap. only for power peaks Battery as extra energy storage FC stack charges batteries and supercaps Full control of charging and discharging D.adv.: Exstra charging circuits for battery and supercaps More complicated system
System, HT-PEM with Reformer Feasible fuels, liquid i.e. methanol (ethanol) Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Fuel cell system with reformer LTPEM (Classic Nafion membran) HTPEM (PBI membrane) High Temperature PEM running on reformed methanol FC operating conditions 120-200 C Methanol reformer temperature 200-250 C Thermal integration Lower cell voltage No CO-poisoning (!) No humidity control -> Very simple stack and system design (!) New technology Potential for improvements Significantly less expensive than Nafion based MEA’s (!) Liquid water must never be present Possible cooling with cathode air Long start-up time FC system and application control Classic linear control. P PI PID control. ss control, observer design Nonlinear control. Lyaponov theory, robust control Optimal control
Performance of HTPEM
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