Albertus marwanto ( )
Passive voice adalah; Lawan dari active voice (kalimat aktif). Lain halnya dengan kalimat aktif yg lebih menekankan pada pelaku dan akibat dari perbuatan pelaku, kalimat ini juga menekankan kejadian atau peristiwa.dan kalimat juga di gunakan untuk menunjukan bahwa pelaku tidak diketahui atau memang tidak perlu disebutkan
PASSIVE VOICE ALL TENSES 1.Struktur kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense subject +verb(1)+ object AKTIVE John always helps his father in the garden. John doen’t always help his father in the garden Does john always help his father in the garden
Struktur kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense Passive. his father is always helped ( by john) in the garden.. His father is not always helped (by john) in the garden.. Is his father always helped(by john) in the garden.
Kalimat aktive present continouse tense 2 ACTIVE Subject + am/is/are+verb- ing+object >. His brother is repairing the car in the garden. >. His brother is not repairing the car in the garden. >. Is his brother repairing the car in the garden. STRUKTUR DALAM KALIMAT PASIF DALAM CONTINUOUS TENSE SUBJECT + AM/IS ARE+ being+verb(3) + object PASIVE >.the car is being repaired by(my brother) in the garden. >.the car is not being repaired (my brother)in the garden >.is the car being repaired by (my brother) in the garden.
3. Kalimat aktif dlm present perfect tense Subject+have/has+verb(3)object Active >.All the books have been returned by my sister to the library >.my sister has not returned all the books to the library. >. Has my sister returned all the books to the library. 3.. Kalimat pasif dlm present perfect tense Pasive: >. All the books have been returned (by my sister) to the library. >. all the book have been returned (by my sister ) to the library >. Heve all the book been returned (by my sister) to the library.
4.Kalimat aktif dalam present perfect tense 1. Subject+have/has+been+verb-ing+object Active: >.linda has been doing her homework since this morning >.linda has not been doing her homework since this morning >.has linda been doing her homework since this morning Kalimat Pasifnya; Pasive: >. Her homework has been being done (by linda) since this morning >. Her homework has not been being done( by linda) since this morning >. Has her homework been being done(by linda) since this morning?
5. Kalimat aktif dlm simple past tense Subject + verb(2) + object Active: >. Dina bought this english dictionary three weeks ago. >. Dina didn’t buy this english dictionary three weeks ago. >. Did dina buy this english dictionary three weeks ago? Kalimat pasif: Subject+was/were+verb(3) object >.this english dictionary was bought (by dina) last week. >.this engglish dictionary was not bought(by dina)last week >.was this engglish dictionary bought(by dian) last week
6.Kalimat aktif dalam past continuos tense Subject + was/were+being verb(3)+object >.my secretary was typing the letter at 10 o’clook this mornaing >.my secretary was not typing the letter at 10 o’clook this morning >.was my secretary typing the letter at 10 o’clook this morning? KALIMAT AKTIFNYA Subject +was/wer + being verb(3) + object Pasive: >. The leeter was being typed(by my secretary) at 10 o’clook this morning >.the letter was not being typed (by my secretary)at 10 o’clook this morning >.was the letter beingtyped (by my secretary) at 10 o’clook this morning?
7. Kalimat aktif dlm past perfect tense Subject + had + verb(3)+object Active: >. Lisa had swept the floor when she left the house this morning. >. Lisa had not swept the floor when she left the house this morning >. Hed lisa sweptbthe floor when she left the house this morning? Subject +had + been + verb(3) object PASIVE: >. The floor had been swept (by lisa) when she left the hause thise morning. >.the floor hed not been swept (by lisa) when she left the hause thise morning. >. Had the floor been swept (by lisa) when shi left the hause thise morning?
8. Kalimat aktif dlm past perfect continouse tense Subject + had+ been+ verb-ing+object Active Rina had been sweeping the floor I when I called her this morning. Rina had not been sweeping the floor iwhen I colled her this morning. Had rina been sweeping the floor I when I colled her this morning? >. Kalimat aktif dalam past perfect continouse tense Subject+had+been +being+verb(3)+object Pasive: >.the floor had been being swept (by rina) when I colled her this morning. >.the floor had not been being swept(by rina) when I colled her this morning >.had the floor been being swept(by rina) when I colled her this morning?
9.Kalimat aktif dalam simple future tense Subject+shal/will+verb(3)+object Active: My father Sell that old house next mont. My father will not sell that ol house next mont. Will my father sell that old house next mont. >. Kalimat pasif dalam simple future tense Pasive: >. That old house will be sold by(my father) next month >. Thet old haouse will not be sold by(my father) next month. >.will that old haouse be sold by(my father) next month?
10.Struktur kalimat aktif dalm future continous tense Subjek+shall/will be +verb-ing+object Active >. My little sister will by doing her homework. >. My little sister will not be doing her homework. >. Will my little sister be doing her homework Kalimat pasif dlm future continous tense Subject+shall/will+be+being+verb(3)+object Pasive; >. Her homework will be being doing(by my little sister). >. Her homework will not be being doing(by my little sister). >. Will her homework be being doing(by my little sister)?
11. Kalimat aktif dalam future perfect tense Subject+shal/will+have+verb(3)+object Active >.albet will have told the news by five o’clock thiis afternoon >. Albet will not heve told the news by five o’clock this afternoon. >.will albet have told the news by five o’clock this afternoon? Kalimat pasif dlm future perfect tense Subject + shall/will+have+been+verb-3+object Passive >. The news will have been told(by albet) by five o’clock this afternoon. >. the news will not have been told(by albet) by five o’clock thise afternoon. >.will the news have been told(by albet) by five o’clock this afternoon?
12 struktur kalimat dlam future perfect continouse tense Subject+shall/will+have +been + verb-ing+0bject Active: >.she will have been sweeping the for 30 minutes by five o’clock this afternoon. >.she will not have been sweeping the floor for 30 minutes by five o’clock this afternoon. >.will she have been sweeping the floor for 30 minutes by five o’clock this afternoon? Kalimat pasif dlm perfect continouse tense Subject+shall/will+have+been+being+verb(3)+object PASIVE; >. The floor will have been being swept (by her) for 30 minutes byfive o’clock this afternoon. >.the floor will not have been being swept (by her) for 30 minutes by five oclock This afternon >.will the floor have been being swept ( by her) for 30 minutes by five o’clock this afternoon?
PASIVE FORM OF MODALS 1.selain dengan pola klimat dasar dalam 12 tenses dan dengan kata kerja (selalu dlm bentuk past pasticiple) harus ada kata be, dengan slah satu penambahan modal auxiliary ini berarti ada penambahan arty sesuai dengan arti modal auxiliry yg digunakan dalam kalimat pasif nantinya. 2. kalimat pasif dengan menggunakan can- could. Subject+can/could+be+pastparticiple
Aktiive His brother can translate this novel into indonesian His brother cannot translate this novel into indonesian Can his brother translete this novel into indonesian? Pasive: This novel can be transleted (by his brother) into indonesian.
exercises They my not use this room to do theirThis novel cannot be transleted(by his brother) into indonesian. Can this novel be transleted ( by his brother) into indonesian? Catatan: articiple artinya dapat di(tergantung arti past participle 3. Kalimat pasif dengan menggunakan may-might Aktive They may use this room to do thheir exercises They may not use this room to do their exrecises. May they use be used (by them ) to do their exerciises?
Pasive: This room may be used (by them) to do their exercises This room may not be used(by them) to do their exercises. May this room be used (by them) to do their exercises?
Active They might borrow certain books from this library. They might not borrow certain books from this library. Might theyborrow certain books from this library
Pasive All the money must be reimbursed(by him) next week. All the money must not be reimbursed(by him) next week. Must all the money be reimbursed(by him) next week?
Catatan : must be+past participle 5. pola kalimat pasif dengan menggunakan ought to/should Subject+should+be+pastparticiple Aktive: >. The secretary should retype all the letters >. The secretary should not retipe all the letters. >. Should the secretary retiped all the letter?
PASIVe All the letter should be retyped(by the scretary). All the letter shoult not be retyped(by the scretary). Should all the letters be retyped(by the scretary)?