Spades Game Application with Video Conference Group 12 Anıl Yaman Emre Ergün Hüseyin Aktaş Pınar Tekir
Outline Architecture used Components of the Application About GUI
Architecture Used The standard ‘IEEE ’ Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Peer-to-Peer (P2P) TCP-IP protocol, UDP for video conference Java Programming Language
Components of the Application Chat Window Playing Area Video Conference
Video Each host could provide its own video frame but we experienced some problems during transfer the video data on the network.
Each player sends his speech, beginnig with his name automaticaly, to the server. Then, the server broadcasts to all players. Chat
Play Each host informs what it has done at its turn to the server Then, the rules are implemented and the result of each turn (for example, the score) is broadcasted.
The End Thank you for listening