SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH,
SNOMED CT viewed as a reference terminology Jostein Ven, advisor, KITH
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms System of Health Care concepts and associated terms developed by the College of America Pathologists concepts relations between concepts 19 top concepts in the system of concepts 12 ”axes” (or ”independent” modules)
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Some history SNOP (Systemized Nomenclature of Pathology) Snomed (I/II) –six axes ”The Norwegian SNOMED” - Den norske SNOMED Used in Norway today in the area of pathology SNOMED III (SNOMED International) – eleven axes SNOMED RT SNOMED CT SNOMED RT + Clinical Terms v3 (Read Codes)
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Translation of SNOMED CT into Norwegian? Nordic cooperation, 2nd meeting i December Method for automatic translation (Iver Nordhuus, KITH) Based on already translated coding schemes such as ICD- 10 and NCSP. Evaluation of translation Maintenance of Norwegian translation Correspondence between the content of SNOMED CT, the cost of translating and maintaining the translation, and the actual need of the Norwegian Health Sector?
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Top concepts in SNOMED CT
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Axes in SNOMED I and II Topography Morphology Aetiology Function Disease/diagnosis Procedure
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Akser i SNOMED III (”SNOMED International”) Kilde: Coding matters, Vol. 8, No. 2, September 2001.
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, SNOMED RT code structure Kilde: Coding matters, Vol. 8, No. 2, September 2001.
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Relationship names ranked by occurence in SNOMED CT Relation nameNumber Is a Onset Finding site Course64202 Severity64144 Episodicity63952 Method62667 Associated morphology58642 Priority50319 Procedure site50284 Part of47821 Access43237 Causative agent32967 Interprets18185 Has active ingredient17360 Laterality16418 Occurrence10639
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Relasjoner og akser Relation nameACDFGJLMPRST Is a Onset Finding site Course Severity Episodicity Method Associated morphology Priority Procedure site Part of Access Causative agent Interprets Has active ingredient Laterality Occurrence
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Semantisk nettverk (is-a-relasjonen)
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Procedures in SNOMED CT Norwegian coding scheme for non-surgical procedures (MEDPROS) Procedures concept are connected to other defining concepts via relations. SNOMED CT as a source for procedures Examples
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Example of procedure SNOMED CT conceptAssociated conceptsRelation Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Brain structure (body structure)Procedure site Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Introduction - action (qualifier value)Method Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Diagnostic - procedure intent (qualifier value) Has intent Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Priorities (qualifier value)Priority Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Intracranial vascular structure (body structure) Procedure site Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Surgical access values (qualifier value)Access Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Radionuclide imaging - action (qualifier value) Method Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Brain imaging with vascular flow (procedure) Is a Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Imaging - action (qualifier value)Method Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Blood vessel structure (body structure)Procedure site Cerebral blood flow radionuclide study (procedure) Radioactive isotope (substance)Direct substance
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Use of SNOMED CT Encoding of documentation Can be used instead of other coding schemes, or as a common ground Automatic mapping into other coding schemed: ICD-10, NANDA, NIC and possibly more in the future (ICF, NCSP, …)
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH,
Mapping across coding schemes Arrive at a better inter-professional problem understanding by mapping coding schemes that are specific to a profession onto each other. Doctors: ICD-10, NCSP, ICPC-2 Nurses: NANDA, NIC, Perioperativ Nursing Data Set Physical therapists: ICF, …
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Overlap between coding schemes: Common domain: Problem/ill ness
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Cross Mapping Metodologi og tabeller for mapping fra begreper i SNOMED CT til en eller flere koder andre kodeverk One way only! Coverage and level of detail varies, mapping is a real challenge Information loss is very possible in many cases
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Tables involved in cross mapping
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Cross mapping SNOMED CT to ICD-9-CM
SNOMED CT Jostein Ven, KITH, Goal of mapping between coding schemes: Common problem understanding Prerequisites Translation SNOMED CT into Norwegian More extensive use of non-doctor coding schemes. More cross-mappings Feasability analysis of bi-directional mapping, i.e. mapping from coding scheme into SNOMED CT