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ISDN ??? Cara cepat online Jaringan digital yang memberikan berbagai macam pelayanan jasa telekomunikasi yang berlaku di seluruh dunia.
Struktur Transmisi B-Channel 64 kbps D-Channel 16 atau 64 kbps H-Channel 384, 1536, 1920 bps
B-Channel Koneksi : Circuit Switched Packet Switched X.25 Semipermanent leased line
D-Channel 1. Signalling & controlling 2. Packet switching/low speed data telemetry H- Channel Pemakai dengan bit rate tinggi
Saluran ISDN 1. B asic Rate Interface 2222 X 64 kbps B-Channel 1111 X 64 kbps D-Channel 2B+D
Saluran ISDN (cont.) 2. Primary Rate Interface (PRI) 2 3 B+D (Amerika Utara, Jepang,dll) 1,544 Mbps 3 0 B+D ( Eropa,Australia,dll ) 2,048 Mbps
Saluran ISDN (cont.) 3. Primary Rate Interface H P P P PRI H0 channel Structures 3 H0+1 D / 4 H0 / 5 H0+1 D P P P PRI H1 channel structures 1 H11 / 1 H12+1 D P P P PRI structure for mixture of B and H0 channels kombinasi kanal H0, B, D
ISDN Specifications Layer 1 Physical Layer Layer 2 Data Link Layer Layer 3 Network Layer
Layer 1. Figure 12-2: ISDN Physical Layer Frame Formats Differ Depending on Their Direction
Layer 2. Figure 12-3: LAPD Frame Format Is Similar to That of HDLC and LAPB
Layer 3. Figure 12-4: An ISDN Circuit-Switched Call Moves Through Various Stages to Its Destination
Komponen ISDN Terminal Equipment (TE) Terminal Equipment (TE) Terminal Adapter (TA) Terminal Adapter (TA) Network Termination (NT) Network Termination (NT) Line Terminating Equipment(LTE) Line Terminating Equipment(LTE) Exchange Termination Equipment Exchange Termination Equipment
ISDN Devices. Figure 12-1: Sample ISDN Configuration Illustrates Relationships Between Devices and Reference Points
Komponen ISDN (cont.) Terminal Terminal Equipment 1 (TE1) Terminal Equipment 2 (TE2) Network Termination Devices Network Termination type1 (NT1) Network Termination type2 (NT2) Network Termination type kombinasi (NT12)
Konsep ISDN
Arsitektur ISDN Blok diagram ISDN
Arsitektur ISDN (cont.) Tabel jenis-jenis pelayanan
Aplikasi ISDN Internet Akses Internet Akses Telecommuting/remote access to corporate computing Telecommuting/remote access to corporate computing Video Conferencing Video Conferencing Small and Home office data networking Small and Home office data networking
Keuntungan ISDN Lebih cepat Lebih hemat dan efisien Kecepatan Multiple Devices Signalling
THANK YOU!!! BY: Bezaliel ( ) Rony Kurniawan ( ) Basuki Setiawan ( ) David Wijaya Chandra ( )