26 April 2001 Frank Raupach 1 Software and Alignment Project at CMS DRAFT PLAN Work In Progress Contributions From A. Heikkinen / HIP J.Y. Heinonen / HIP Veikko Karimaki / HIP T. Lampen / HIP T. Linden / HIP Valeria Bartsch / Karlsruhe Marumi Kado / CERN Helge Voss / CERN Stephan Koenig / Aachen Jan Olzem / Aachen Andre Ostapchouk /Aachen Britta Schwering / Aachen Bruno Wittmer / Aachen F.R. / Aachen ? / ?
26 April 2001 Frank Raupach 2 General Overview Physicists 150 Institutes 32 Countries Detector: Data/Simulation Raw Data Hits (Digis) Geometry DB Laser reconstruction (LaserBeam Model) Alignment Procedure With Laser System (LinLeastSquare!?) Alignment DB (100 m) Once per Run?
26 April 2001 Frank Raupach 3 General Overview 2 Pattern recognition 1. track reconstruction Alignment procedures with tracks (+ laser) (Methods under study) Alignment DB (30 m) Final track reconstruction Reconstructed event to DB Link to muon system offline Autoalignmentmechanism Rather complicated: O(20000 Si wafers) CorrelationsB-field…
26 April 2001 Frank Raupach 4 Key Elements to achieve the Goals 1 Start: CMSIM + ORCA digis in DB First: MisAlignment procedure in ORCA Alignments tools for ORCA - Deviations on different scales (Helge Voss,…) - LaserBeams … Misaligned digis Reconstruction with stiff tracks Reconstruction of laser beams Geometry without errors Here we are able to analyse the influence of wrong position assignment
26 April 2001 Frank Raupach 5 Key Elements to achieve the Goals 2 Fast Alignment Procedure e.g. fitting global and local parameters simultaneously Alignment Procedure with tracks + laser Alignment DB Physics Analysis with best aligned tracks and vertices e.g. H -> bb, Problem of correlated errors Near future Technical meeting On Alignment tools middle of may