1 Fasilkom UI, 2005 By Indra Budi & Siti Aminah Intro to Course IKI20420 BASIS DATA
2 Lecturers Class A Indra Budi Room 1222 Class B Siti Aminah Room 1226
3 Course Goals Provide a Practical Introduction to Database Models, Theory, and Systems Focus on Both Theory and Practice –Theory Demonstrates Mathematical Basis of Databases (Relational Model and Concurrency Control) –Practice Provides Experimental Framework for Illustrating Theory (Actual Database Systems and their Usage)
4 Textbooks and Class Materials Required Text –Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri and Navathe, Addison-Wesley, 4 th ed (2004) –You can order the book via our library Course Web Site – Course Forum - forum.iki.basisdata
5 Topics & Tentative Schedule WeekDateTopicReference 115/2Intro to course 17/2DB & DB UsersCh 1 222/2DB Concept & ArchitectureCh 2 24/2Data Modeling using ERCh 3 31/3Data Modeling using ERCh 3 3/3Data Modeling using EERCh 4 48/3QuizCh /3Relational Data ModelCh 5
6 Topics & Tentative Schedule WeekDateTopicReference 515/3Mapping ERD to Relational ModelCh 7 17/3Mapping Practice 622/3FD & NormalizationCh 10 24/3FD & NormalizationCh /3QuizCh 5, 7,10,11 31/3Relational AlgebraCh 6 85/4Relational CalculusCh 6 7/4Database DesignCh 12, 16 9MID TEST
7 Topics & Tentative Schedule WeekDateTopicReference 1019/4Introduction to SQLCh 8, 9 21/4More SQLCh 8, /4More SQLCh 8, 9 28/4QuizCh 8, 9 123/5Trigger & Stored ProcedureORACLE Material 1310/5File OrganizationCh 13 12/5IndexingCh /5Query processing & OptimizationCh 15 19/5Transaction ProcessingCh 17
8 Topics & Tentative Schedule WeekDateTopicReference 1526/5Concurrency ControlCh /5Distributed DB & Client-Server Architecture Ch 25 1/6Advanced Topics 17FINAL TEST
9 Group Project Design - Your choice of design tool –Entity Relationship –Mapping to Relational Model & Normalization GUI Development - Your choice of Programming Language –Interactions to Database via ODBC/JDBC Database System Platform –Oracle 10g Self-Learning and Knowledge Acquisition All Programming Projects Will be Demonstrated by the Team for Correctness and Grading
10 Group Project ReportI: System description and design (29 th March) –System Description –(E)ER –Mapping to Relational & Normalization Report II: Final System (6 th June) –System Implementation & Docs –Demo!
11 Group Paper (tentative) Comparation of common DBMS (Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Access) Due: 30 th May
12 Grading (tentative) Presences & Participations5% Group Project35% Group Paper5% Quizzes & Homeworks15% Mid Test20% Final Test20% Note. There is peer-evaluation on each group assignment.
13 Tutorial & Assistants Tutorial Schedule: Monday pm Tutorial Materials: –Exercises on ER, EER, Mapping to Relational, Normalization, SQL –Tutorials on tools: ER-Win/Visio/other design tool, Oracle 10g, Prog lang (PHP/ASP/Others), ODBC –On demand Assistants: –Class A: Arnold Willem, Theresia Budiarti, Antonius Hermawan ( {arwi20, thbu20, –Class B: Wadiono Valens, Ferry Haris, Imelda Tandra ( {wava20, feha20,