Review API connection Vs Premium By Hendra Wisanggeni
OCTG Connections new nomenclature ISO 11960:2004/API Std. 5B Propritary connections connections Tubing EU Tubing MTC NU IJ IJ MIJ Casing STC Casing MTC LC SLHP BC IFJ XC MIJ
Casing & Tubing connections classification API spec 5B Premium Tenaris Family Hunting Intl Round thread Buttress thread Extreme line Tenaris Blue family Antares family NKK family SEC Atlas Bradford Boss HSLA Multiseal/two step VAM Family
API Connections Round thread Buttress thread Extreme Line External Upset End
API 8Round Short Thread J values OD ppf Short thread J values 4 ½” 9.50 1.125” 5” 11.50 0.750” 7” 17.00 1.250” 8 5/8” 24.00 0.875” 10 ¾” 32.75 1.250” Other labels 0.500” Short round thread J value
Round thread API standard 5B Triangle stamp for OD 16” to 20” Tubing: EU (1.050” - 4 1/2”) NU (1.050” - 4 1/2”) IJ (1.315” - 2.063”) Casing: STC (4 1/2” - 20”) LC (4 1/2” - 20”)
between thread crests and roots API Round thread Fn Fx 30° Ft Small helical voids between thread crests and roots
API 8 Round jump-out failure mechanism Frequent during casing over-pull Final pin ID lower than original ID Pin crests deformation Box crests deformation
API Round thread Advantages/Kelebihan: - Easy to manufacture (mudah diproduksi) - Easy running (mudah dipasang) - Acceptable sealability response at low pressure (mampu sekat/seal untuk tekanan rendah) - Well known (sudah dikenal) Disadvantages/Kelemahan: - Poor tension resistance (ketahanan thd beban tarik lemah) - Poor sealability for medium and high pressure (mampuan sekat/seal untuk tekanan tinggi dan tingi lemah)
Premium Connections - Features Metal to Metal Seal BOX PIN Thread Form Torque Shoulder
Area kritis gangguan aliran yang menyebabkan turbulence API Turbulence FLUID FLOW Premium streamline FLUID FLOW
Typical Premium Connection T&C
Premium connections advantages Premium thread form Tension/Tarik Compression/Tekan Bending/Tekuk Improved seal performance Metal-to-metal seals Teflon seals Multiple seals Torque shoulders Torsional strength Positive makeup position Stored torque prevents back-off Repeated make-up without performance degradation Possible to repair as many as possible, no need total reprocess
Premium connections advantages Relatively more expenses in term of unit price Need good support such as running assistance and work shop for repair