EVALUATION (PROCEED) by Lawrence Green Muji Sulistyowati
Phase 5 Administrative and Policy Diagnosis Phase 4 Educational and Organizational Diagnosis Phase 3 Behavioral and Environment Diagnosis Phase 2 Epidemiological Diagnosis Phase 1 Social Diagnosis HEALTH PROMOTION Health Education Policy and Regulation Organization Predisposing Factors Reinforcing Factors Enabling Factors Enabling Factors Behavior and Lifestyle Behavior and Lifestyle Environment Health Quality of Life Quality of Life Phase 6 Implementation Phase 7 Process Evaluation Phase 8 Impact Evaluation Phase 9 Outcome Evaluation PROCEED (Policy, Regulation, Organization, Construct in Education, Environment Development)
Evaluasi dilakukan berdasar pada tujuan masing-masing pengguna. – Pengelola program : ? – Peneliti Evaluation (generally): – To ascertain or judge the worth of something – To examine carefully Evaluation (in the context of HE & HP) : The comparison of an object of interest against a standard of acceptability
Object of interest : – any or all of the factors that one takes into account in applying the PRECEDE/PROCEED framework Objective : – The object of interest in PRECEDE plan are identified by objectives – Had to state : who is expected to experience how much of what change by when – the object of interest center on the who and the what change
Object of interest : – Measures of quality of life – Health status indicators – Behavioral & environmental factors – Predisposing, enabling & reinforcing fx – Intervention activities – Methods of delivery – Changes in policies, regulations, or organizations – Level of staff expertise – Quality of performances and educational materials
Standards of Acceptability – state how an object of interest is expected to measure up – Identified in the how much and when estimates in the objectives developed during the planning process – Also serve as targets, signal success, imprvement, or growth – For HP programs: the standards are the expected level of improvement in social;economic;health… and or policy – Scientific standards; Historical Standards; Normative Standards; Compromise Standards
Objects of interest in evaluation Sources of standards of acceptability in evaluation Health promotion program Peer review, quality control, accreditatio n, audit, certification Predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors Changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, resources, social support, policy Protective behavior, or environment Changes in frequency, distribution, timing of behavior, or quality of the environment Health Changes in mortality, morbidity, disability, or risk factors Social benefit Changes in quality of life ProcessImpact EvaluationOutcome evaluation Figure. Three levels of evaluation for accountability
Process evaluation Potential object of interests : 1.All program inputs : – Policy of the program; specificity of program goals & objectives; resources allocated or expended 2.Implementation activities : – Staff performance; methods of data collection; media distributed, etc 3.Stakeholder reactions : – Tanggapan dari pengguna, panitia, dll
Impact evaluation Assesses the immediate effect the program (or some aspect of it) has on target behaviors and their predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing antecedents or on influential environmental factors
Outcome evaluation Object of interest : Health status & quality of life indicators that were crafted in the earliest stafes of the planning process NOTE : The ability to detect changes in impact or outcome variables depends heavily on : Specificity of the standards The precision of their measurement The size of the effect The size of the population or sample