M. Gende 1,2, C. Brunini 1,2, F. Azpilicueta 1,2 Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina 1 CONICET, Argentina 2 La Plata Ionospheric Model as a tool for scientific and technological applications
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Outlook LPIM model SIRGAS-ION Near real time data LISN Project in Argentina Conclusions and future work
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Empirical Meteorological Total electron content –Global –Regional –Local LPIM model
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Ground GPS receivers (CORS) LEO GPS receivers Topex and Jason Data
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Observable Dual frequency zero difference (RINEX) L band
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Observable Even for the same satellite, two different arcs are generally affected by different levelling errors. IFB can be affected by significant intra-day variations. Levelling errors: TECUs Ciraolo L. et al. Calibration errors on experimental slant total electron content determined with GPS. Journal of Geodesy, Springer, (81) 2, , DOI: /s , 2007.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November D modelling 2D modelling
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 MODIP MODIP A new coordinate for modelling the F2-layer and the top- side ionosphere. Rawer (1984)
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 CODE UPC LPIM Azpilicueta F. et al. Global ionospheric maps from GPS observations using modip latitude’. Advances in Space Research, DOI: jasr-d , Gende, M. et al. Inter comparison of total electron content maps for the South American region, in International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 2007: Perugia, Italia. Global model
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 SIRGAS Starts as a geodetic project Now is also producing atmospheric products –Regional TEC maps –Water vapor estimations Can share with LISN CORS GNSS data Generally not in real time
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November
Tool to study climatologic conditions Mosert, M. et al. Comparing IRI TEC prediction to GPS and digisond measurements at Ebro. Advances in Space Research, (5): p
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Tool to study disturbed conditions Sahai, Y. et al. Effects observed in the Latin American sector ionospheric F region during the intense geomagnetic disturbances in the early part of November Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), (doi: /2007JA013007): p. 11.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Applications in GNSS navigation Gende, M. et al., Ionospheric biases correction for coordinates derived from GPS single point positioning. Annals Of Geophysics, (3): p Brunini, C. et al., Ionospheric Effects on Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS); WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, MSAS and future systems. in Bacon Satellite Symposium Trieste, Italia.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Applications in geodetic positioning
Gende, M. et al. An ionospheric delay estimation technique to improve large baseline L1 differential positioning. in Dynamic Planet. IAG/IAPSO/IABO Joint Assembly Cairns, Australia.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Near real time VTEC Stations with permanent Internet access. Five minutes double compress RINEX files (30 seconds interval rate). Download central server using rsync. Process with a delay of 5 minutes. Run LPIM in local mode. NTRIP is not implemented yet.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Corrientes
Ingesting TOPEX data Bibbo, I., et al., Global vTEC Maps and instrumental DCB based on Combined GPS and TOPEX/Jason Measurements, in Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) workshop : University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November D Modelling Brunini, C. et al. Toward a SIRGAS service for mapping the ionosphere’s electron density distribution. in Geodesy for Planet Earth Buenos Aires: International Association of Geodesy.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 The actual state of the Argentinean component of the LISN project
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011
Problems Intranet. No public and fix IP. Internet interruptions. Hard drives full. Very low bandwidth. Can not use the data for geodetic purpose.
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011 Conclusions and future works LPIM has more than a decade working as a tool for ionospheric studies Is evolving towards a 4D model More physical equations are being implemented in the program. More data are being assimilating (TOPEX-JASON, LEO,…) Modifications must be done so the program works as a filter and accepts NTRIP data
2nd LISN Workshop. São José dos Campos. November 2011