Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 1 From Accra to Seoul An international debate on CSO-effectiveness
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 2 Who is around the table ? The international donor community The recipient countries The civil society both as donors and recipients
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 3 Open forum debate 2 questions 1. What are the principles, standards, guidelines, good practices for CSO effectiveness ? 2 What are the guidelines of enabling environment for donors and government ? Answers on 1 and an agreement on 2 in Seoul 2011
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 4 Principles Solidarity people centred human rights gender equality transparency, social justice…….
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 5 Standards and guidelines Minimum standards key indicators Examples, Sphere project, charter, code of conducts, Voluntary or with compliance mechanisms
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 6 Accountability Legitimacy of ngo’s Types of accountability: Upwards, downwards, inwards and horizontally between N/S partners
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 7 Enabling environment The space given to CSO Recognition of their rights The role of the authorities to promote CSO by respecting their autonomy and diversity by funding them by a dialogue with them by accept them as watchdogs
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 8 Level 1 Open forum International, Open forum = each CSO is invited 2 general assemblies 2010 and 2011 The global facilitation group Outreach toolkit
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 9 Level 2 regional Europe Concord working group facilitator, impact discussion, The quadrilogue process = the enabling environment discussion with the EU Regional consultation
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 10 Level 3 country National: consultations and processes Examples: Czech contribution, Belgian agreement, Bond working group, Spanish consultation, Cidse/Caritas process
Globale verantwortung Kick off Veranstaltung 26 Nov 11 Good reasons to be involved It’s a worldwide process The civil society in the South is very interested The interaction between the different levels National Austrian reasons