Statically Determinate and Indeterminate System of Bars
Statically Determinate System of Bars Investigation to trusses and to structures which consist of bars and rigid body Assumption : the elongations are small as compared with the length of the bars Applying the equilibrium conditions to the undeformed system
Statically Determinate System of Bars B A C 1 2 F l All bars have the axial rigidity EA
Statically Determinate System of Bars B A C 1 2 F C S2S2 F S1S1 l All bars have the axial rigidity EA
Statically Determinate System of Bars Calculating S1 and S2 in the bars, as follow : Calculating elongation l i of the bars
Statically Determinate System of Bars
Statically Indeterminate System of Bars A system of bars is statically indeterminate of degree n if the number of unknowns exceeds the number of the equilibrium conditions by n. In order to determine the forces in the bars of such a system, n compatibility conditions are needed in addition to the equilibrium conditions. Solving this system of equations yields the unknown forces in the bars.
Statically Indeterminate System of Bars
From figure (b), we can get : The elongations of the bars are given by : (a) (b)
Statically Indeterminate System of Bars (c) With (a) and (b), and l 1 = l / cos , we can get : The vertical displacement :
Statically Determinate System of Bars The truss is subjected to a force F. Given: E = 2· 102 GPa, F = 20kN. Determine the cross-sectional area of the three members so that the stresses do not exceed the allowable stress σallow = 150 MPa and the displacement of support B is smaller than 0.5 ‰ of the length of bar 3.
Statically Indeterminate System of Bars To assemble the truss in Fig. (a), the free end of bar 3 (length l − δ, δ<<l) has to be connected with pin C. a) Determine the necessary force F acting at pin C (Fig. b). b) Calculate the forces in the bars after the truss has been assembled and force F has been removed.