Preliminary Hazard Analysis Ricki M Mulia, ST. MSc
Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition HAZARD EXPOSURE Higiene Industri Penyakit Ricki M. Mulia HAZARD EXPOSURE Higiene Industri Kesehatan Kerja Penyakit Akibat kerja RISK Kecelakaan kerja Keselamatan Kerja
HAZARD ANALYSIS TWO APPROACH : A systematic process for identifying hazards and recommending corrective action. TWO APPROACH : Preliminary Hazards Analysis (PHA) Detailed Hazards Analysis Comparative Methods Fundamental Method Ricki M. Mulia
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) Ricki M. Mulia Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) PHA is conducted to identify potential hazards and prioritize them according to : the likelihood of an accident or injury being caused by the hazard the severity of injury, illness, and/or property damage that could result if the hazard caused an accident. PHA in an LPG storage plant Accident System Hazard Safety relevant component Vapor explosion Storage vessel Formation of an explosive atmosphere outside storage vessel due to: faulty safety valve corroded vessel Overpressure Safety valve Vessel, corrosion protection Pressure gauge, sprinkler system
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