Economic system
Islam Comprehensive Way of Life Source: Zarqa in Antonio (2004:5) with some modification.
The Term of Syariah Banking According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 21 year 2008 concerning Islamic banking "Islamic bank is a bank that runs its business or their activities based on sharia principles and according to the type consisting of general Islamic banks and Islamic banks of financing the people". According to Ali (2008:1) "Islamic bank is a financial institution that function as an intermediary for someone with surplus funds and the lack of funds for business activities and other activities in accordance with Islamic law".
The fundamental principles of Syariah Banking
According Antonio (2004:85-132) the basic principles of Syariah Banking are devided into five sections,
The Differences
Development of Islamic Banking in Indonesia Source: Outlook Perbankan Syariah 2011 (Bank Indonesia:2010).