Cities around the world -Meeting 10- -(Week 13)-
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (1) Sydney is the capital city of Australia. Canberra is the capital city of Australia.
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (2) Bali is east of Java island. Bali is in the east of Java island.
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (3) Vancouver is on the west coast of Canada. Vancouver is on the east coast of Canada.
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (4) Phuket, in Thailand, has many beautiful beaches. Chiang Mai, in Thailand, has many beautiful beaches.
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (5) New York has the highest population in USA. Chicago has the highest population in USA.
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (6) Rome is known as the holy city for Catholics. Zurich is known as the holy city for Catholics.
DO YOU KNOW? WHICH ONE IS CORRECT? (7) Rio de Jenairo is famous for the carnival, the festival in which everybody dances samba on the street. Buenos Aires is famous for the carnival, the festival in which everybody dances samba on the street.
So, how much do you know the world?
Do you like traveling? What kinds of places do you like? Do you prefer: Big cities / quiet town? Mountain / beach? Shopping / sightseeing? Nightlife / day activities? History / culinary?
Where is each city? (Reading)
Read the text and complete the chart CITYLOCATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION ATTRACTIONS & ACTIVITIES WEATHERPOPULATION Helsinki Vancouver Salvador da Bahia Which city is the coldest? Which city is the most crowded? Which city do you think is good for business? Which city do you think is good for a family vacation? Which city would you like to visit? Why?
FINAL TEST (UAS) December 2014 (fix date & time will be announce later. Printed dictionaries only.
STRUCTURE Connecting clauses (using connectors) Active - Passive Tenses, comparison & modal verbs (minor, if any)
Reading / Listening / Writing TOPICS Short story Movie Culture / tradition Art & product Places / tourist sights
Movie / story review GENERAL INFO Title, author, genre. What it is about. Public opinion. Your first impression SYNOPSIS Simple & don’t spoil the ending. Characters, setting Problems & difficulties they had to solve Teaser of the ending. YOUR OPINION How do you like it? What do you think? What do you like / what do you not like? Recommended/not? Etc. Present or past tense. Be consistent!
For those who need to complete some tasks: NEXTWEEK (Tuesday, December 2 nd 2014) – : Presentation – : Submitting assignments. Checking results. Etc.
Some Beautiful Places Read “Amsterdam Travel Guide” What makes each place worth a visit? Which place would you like most to visit?
Another Beautiful Place Read “The Vatican City” Answer the 6 questions above the text
Giving Recommendation When we recommend a place to someone, we usually tell him/her SOME INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE PLACE. These facts can be: 1. Location 2. Transportation 3. (add more)
Some Interesting Facts Read the beautiful places once more & find some interesting facts that the writer uses to recommend each place.
Writing Time! Choose a must-visit place in Indonesia that you have ever visited. To help you writing, list down some interesting facts about that place. Write a paragraph to recommend that place. Use modal verb to recommend the place. You can start your recommendation letter with: You should go to
Writing Time! (alternative) Choose a must-visit place in Indonesia that you have ever visited. To help you writing, list down some interesting facts about that place. Write a travel recommendation in the form of travel guide or review (based on experience). Describe the place, location, do & don’ts, etc. (That you think visitors need to know)