Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft New ANGEL Release 2 Overview: Small but smart Compact engine modelling Additional features PDA-operated T -T
Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft New menue concept: Monitoring (Knowledge test, general) Condition/ Troubleshooting Lubrication/ Vibration/ Air Cooling Break Even Point determination Proposals/ Estimations T -T
Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft ANGEL Features: Constants automatic update of conditions Effective cost saving Digital electronic computation Information for maintenance personal Monitoring of major rotating parts Hand operated (PDA) T -T
Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft The ANGEL program structure: Engine modelling with 5 modules (LP/ HP-compressor, combustion chamber, LP/ HP-turbine) Life monitoring system as an upgrade of the engine modelling Menu-structure as an interface (data In/Out) to the user T -T
Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft Available for the following aircraft: Boeing /400/500/600/700/800 Airbus A318/319/320/321 KC-135R/FR E-3/KE-3/E-6/E-8 T -T
Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft Confidentional Analysis T -T
Fax: Tech Triebwerke, Stuttgart Germany in co-operation with Lite-Soft Optional Features Continual automatic update of engine conditions. GPS Additionally Transfer Equipment (GATE). Automatic destination data input T -T