The United States of America
Some facts: It is federal republic of 50 states and federal districts. The capital city is Washington, D.C. Population is over 285 million people. Situated in southern part of North America.
Location: The USA is situated in the centre of North America and there are four time zones. It is the fourth largest country of the world.
National symbols: The American flag: 50 stars, 7 red and 6 white stripes The American anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner The Amarican currency: American dollar
History: Discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 First Americans were Indians and Eskimos The first president was George Washington. George Washington Christopher Columbus
The American President: President: Barack Obama Seat of president: White house in Washington D.C.
Interesting places
Cities: New York Los Angeles Washington, D.C. New York Los Angeles Washington, D.C.
Nature: Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming) The Grand Canyon (Arizona) Niagara Falls Yellowstone National Park The Grand Canyon Niagara Falls
Attractions: Mount Rushmore (South Dacota) Las Vegas (Nevada)