Singular Io (I) Tu (you) Lui (He) Lei (She) Plural Noi (We) Voi (You guys) Loro (They)


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Presentation transcript:

Singular Io (I) Tu (you) Lui (He) Lei (She) Plural Noi (We) Voi (You guys) Loro (They)

Verbs are conjugated to match the subject of the sentence.  Io______________(lavorare) oggi.  Io lavoro oggi.  Lavoro oggi. (Since the verb is conjugated to the Io form, you can drop Io because it is understood)

When you don’t see a subject pronoun, but you see names, you have to figure out which one best fits.  Marco e tu _____________________(andare) al supermercato.  Marco e tu andate al supermercato. You must you the voi form because it is you and someone else, making the subject a plural you.

 Carla, Cinzia, Marco e Sergio_________________________(arrivare) a casa tardi.  Carla, Cinzia, Marco e Sergio arrivano a casa tardi.  There are four people in this sentences so you must use the loro form. It is plural third person.

 Sergio ed io ________________(venire) alla festa.  Sergio ed io veniamo alla festa. The noi form is used because it is Sergio and I making it the noi form.

Io (I) This is the singular first person form. Tu (you) This is the singular second person form. Lui (He) / Lei (She) This is the singular third person form. It is also used for the english “it”

Noi (We/ Carlo and I /You and I /Marco, Cinzia and I) This is the plural first person form. Voi (you and somebody else/ you guys / you all) This is the plural second person form. Loro (they / more than one person or thing) This is the plural third person form.

 Carla, Sergio ed io  Io  Marco e tu  Marco  Vittorio, Giuseppe e Marcello  Tu (Remember the subject pronouns are not verbs. This is to help you remember what verb form)

 Make a sentence using the subjects in column 1 and the verbs in column 2. SubjectsVerbs MarcoAndare Marco e tuVenire Andrea e MarcoLavorare Mia sorella ed ioAvere CinziaEssere IoDormire Mio padreParlare TuCapire La vitaessere

 Marco va al supermercato.  Marco e tu venite alla festa.  Andrea e Marco lavorano ogni giorno.  Mia sorella ed io abbiamo un cane.  Cinzia e’ italiana.  Dormo.  Mio padre parla italiano.  Tu capisci italiano.  La vita e’ difficile.