Climate4impact Documentation ES-DOC ESGF-Search API OpenID, SSO ESGF Data nodes OpenDAP ESGF Data nodes OpenDAP MyProxy X509 MyProxy X509 PyWPS Impactportal Java, Servlets, JSP Impactportal Java, Servlets, JSP Impact data node THREDDS Impact data node THREDDS ADAGUC Viewer ADAGUC Viewer ADAGUC Server (WMS) ADAGUC Server (WMS) Postgre SQL Postgre SQL My SQL My SQL Tomcat Drupal CMS Apache HTTPD Proxy ICCLIM IS-ENES Infrastructure Climate4impact infrastructure EUPORIAS Google doc EUPORIAS Google doc
Updates made in several sections (home page, use cases, background and topics, …) Connection to Euporias Glossary Regular s from users with serious questions Abandoned AskBot (too much effort, not much used) Linkedin group –as ‘community support’ –Fokke regularly posts news items –Subcribe!! –Link: ?home=&gid= &trk=groups_members-h-logoLink: ?home=&gid= &trk=groups_members-h-logo C4I coding sprint Documentation status
Get content from Ronald regarding EUPORIAS user stories (Fokke) SRS scenario page; move below the RCPs and SSPs text (Fokke) Cleanup of old pages (FAQ, Howto’s, AskBot, etc.) (Fokke, Wim) Use case scenario’s: check if the data acquisition steps are valid (Fokke, Wim) Implement reveiwers’ comments (Fokke, Wim) Add IPCC glossary (Wim, workshop) Cleanup C4I glossary (Wim, workshop) Mapping table for short, longnames, usefull descriptions for use in mouse overs (e.g. CMOR descriptions?) (Ernst, Maarten, Wim) Linkedin: make more use of it to build up community (all) Check if we can do a statistical analysis of the usage of the site using PIWIK (Maarten) Improve SPECS integration as it is now. We can improve it by editing the text of Paco into the portal itself: and have a link to EUPORIAS there as wel. Adding SMHI use cases (from. EUPORIAS) C4I coding sprint Documentation Actions this sprint