P 1 Innovative ways of language learning and innovative means of exchange By Kent Andersen, pools-t coordinator,
15 april 2015 hier komt de naam van de presentatie in P 2 Sharing and innovative means of exchange. Some links: POOLS-T: POOLS Membership WebHeads: Languagebox:
Current trends in Computer Assisted Language Learning CLIL and blended learning Games (e.g. World of Warcraft) Second life Mobile Learning Web2 based real communication (facebook, youtube etc.) Task based learning ers/Caoimhín_Ó_Dónaill_Eurocall_2009.ppt ers/Caoimhín_Ó_Dónaill_Eurocall_2009.ppt
Tools for CLIL Wordlink TextBlender example: TextBlender Tool: Please meet me for demonstration and more information