Du hast einen Dickschädel. You have a thick skull. (Meaning – you are very stubborn) Literal German: You have a thick skull. (der Schädel – skull)
Die Tat wirkt mächtiger als das Wort! Actions speak louder than words (Meaning – Actions mean more than words ) Literal German: The deed seems more powerful than the word. (wirken – to appear / to seem)
Ich pfeife auf was morgen ist. I could care less about tomorrow. (Meaning – I care less about something) Literal German: I whistle about what tomorrow is. (pfeifen – to whistle)
Er tanzt aus der Reihe. He marches to the beat of a different drummer. (Meaning – He/she does not follow the crowd / different ) Literal German: He dances outside of the row. (tanzen – to dance)
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall. Pride comes before the fall (Meaning – Don’t be too proud of yourself) Literal German: Pride/arrogance comes before the fall. (der Hochmut – Pride / Arrogance)
Du machst einen Elefanten aus einer Mücke. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. (Meaning – You are making a big deal out of nothing) Literal German: You are making an elephant out of a mosquito.
Du sollst jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen. You should take every word with a grain of salt. (Meaning – Don’t believe everything you hear) Literal German: You should lay every word on a pair of Gold scales.
Ich lebe in den Tag hinein. I live for the moment. (Meaning – I make the most of time / to enjoy the moment) Literal German: I live into the day.
Es geht vor die Hunde. It is going to the dogs. (Meaning – It’s really going downhill / getting worse) Literal German: It is going in front of the dogs.
Er kocht auch nur mit Wasser. He puts his pants on one leg at a time. (Meaning – He is no different than anyone else) Literal German: He also only cooks with water.
Ich bin mit Arbeit eingedeckt. I have my work cut out for me. (Meaning – You have a lot of work to do) Literal German: I am covered with work.
Mir raucht der Kopf. My head is spinning. (Meaning – You are overloaded / thinking alot) Literal German: My head is smoking. (rauchen – to smoke)
Du kannst darauf Gift nehmen. You can count on that. (Meaning – It will surely happen.) Literal German: You can take poison on that.
Da liegt der Hund begraben. That is the root of the matter. (Meaning – that is the main point / cause) Literal German: That is where the dog is buried.