Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine TERENA Networking Conference - May 16, 2001 Antalya, Turkey Infrastructure and Services Alexandre SIMON Henri Poincaré University, Nancy - France
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine2 Content Introduction StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : Services StanNet : Exploitation and operating team Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites Conclusion
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine3 Introduction From national, through regional to metropolitan network : national network : regional network : metropolitan network
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine4 Introduction : National telecommunications network for Technology, Education and Research « Internet service provider » for the Universities in France interconnects 27 « regions » of France together to the Internet through 4 points (STAR TAP, TEN155 and 2 transatlantic links)
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine5 Introduction : Le réseau LOrrain de Télécommunications à Haut débit pour les Applications Informatiques de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement supérieur High bandwidth telecommunication network of Lorraine for research and academic computer applications « Internet service provider » for the Universities in Lorraine interconnects 2 MAN (StanNet and AmpereNet) and 32 smaller peripheral points together to the Internet through the interconnection to Renater composed of : a high bandwith ATM backbone leased lines
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine6 Introduction : Stanislas Network the metropolitan academic network of Nancy interconnects 19 establishments -spread over 45 sites- : together to the regional network and to the Internet through Lothaire a « private large campus network » built around : a Gigabit Ethernet backbone doubled by an ATM backbone
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine7 Content Introduction StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : Services StanNet : Exploitation and operating team Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites Conclusion
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine8 StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : a « private large campus network » « private » ? financed and operated by and for the Universities of Nancy optical fibers are owned by the Universities « large campus network » ? about 120km of optical fiber cables in the streets of the city 19 establishments spread over 45 sites 4 main routers, 165 switches (6 GE, 5 ATM, 154 Ethernet) 230 class C network and 250 VLAN serves a community of about users (students, faculty, researchers …)
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine9 StanNet : Infrastructure Campus Lettres
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine10 StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : a double backbone, Gigabit Ethernet – ATM The backbone is powered by : 4 high-end core Gigabit Ethernet switches/routers providing bandwith from 100Mb/s to 1Gb/s using VLAN technology and central routing transporting mainly IPv4 traffic 4 ATM switches with OC-3 interfaces providing maximum bandwith up to 155Mb/s allowing the configuration of dedicated virtual channels/paths transporting specific traffic – IP over ATM, IPv6, telephone traffic, … -
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine11 StanNet : Infrastructure
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine12 StanNet : Infrastructure Extensibility and flexibility of the infrastructure A new client construction of a new fiber path –if necessary- easily done (strategic location of converging points) deployment of a new switch connected to the backbone creation of a new VLAN –if necessary- central routing of this new VLAN on the backbone An existing client : migration or extension to another site optional deployment of a new switch transport of the VLAN to the new site
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine13 Content Introduction StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : Services StanNet : Exploitation and operating team Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites Conclusion
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine14 StanNet : Services Network services IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity within the MAN, and to the Internet extensibility and scalability of LAN with VLAN security inter-VLAN with ACL (Access Control Lists) and central routing support of specific traffic from Renater : IPv6, multicast, … System services : classic Internet services DNS : StanNet domain management box management (for certain sites) Web : web hosting (for certain sites) News : providing news service for StanNet
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine15 Content Introduction StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : Services StanNet : Exploitation and operating team Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites Conclusion
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine16 StanNet : Exploitation and operating team StanNet network and system services are managed : by a team of 5 network engineers and 3 system engineers This team is located in the inter-university network/computing resource center The has some specific missions : provide network and system services guarantee the connectivity and the good health of the network/system network/system evolution with technological survey (development, testing)
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine17 StanNet : Exploitation and operating team To provide its mission, the CIRIL Team uses several tools : device configuration (telnet, scripts, web-based administration) IP and level 2 supervision (netup, traceroute, SNMP) Security configuration (ACL + scripts) Security supervision (ACL + syslog ) traffic metrology and statistics with, a tool developed by the CIRIL
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine18 Content Introduction StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : Services StanNet : Exploitation and operating team Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites Conclusion
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine19 Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites a high bandwidth wide area network provides network transport for 2 MAN and 32 peripheral sites financed and operated by and for the Universities of Lorraine entirely operated by the CIRIL and its team of network/system engineers optical fibers of the ATM backbone are leased from France Telecom Lothaire is a regional network, but : it has a « user dimension » it provides the same functionalities as a MAN it’s operated like a MAN
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine20 Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine21 Content Introduction StanNet : Infrastructure StanNet : Services StanNet : Exploitation and operating team Lothaire : A WAN for MAN and sites Conclusion
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine22 Conclusion StanNet and Lothaire are networks with a « user dimension » an obvious dimension for a MAN like StanNet a dimension now recognized for Lothaire Networks and users « lives » are closely linked : users have an effect on networks network exploitation must take care of users requests An homogeneous operation of the network guarantees this interaction between networks and users the long and successful life of the network
May 16, 2001Internet Access for Academic Networks in Lorraine23