End-Spoiling of Electrodes from Photonis June, 24 th 2010 Qing Peng, Anil U. Mane, Jeffery W. Elam ALD Research Program, Process Technology Research Group Energy Systems Division.
SEM of Endspoiling_ one end of 20 um MCP 2 MCP NiCr Electrode is 10um into pore
EDX of Endspoiling_ one end 3 NiCr Ni Al O Na Si
SEM of Endspoiling_ other end of 20 um MCP 4 MCP NiCr
EDX of Endspoiling_ other end of 20 um MCP 5 NiCr Ni Al O NaSi
Summary The endspoiling from Photonis is good The penetration of NiCr is around 10um and consistent with theoretical value 10 um if 45 degree angle is used. 6