HFM coll. meeting, Febr 24 2009, G. de Rijk, Task 4 1 Task 4: Very high field dipole insert Gijs de Rijk (CERN) 24 th February 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

HFM coll. meeting, Febr , G. de Rijk, Task 4 1 Task 4: Very high field dipole insert Gijs de Rijk (CERN) 24 th February 2009

HFM coll. meeting, Febr , G. de Rijk, Task 4 DOW task 7.4 2

HFM coll. meeting, Febr , G. de Rijk, Task 4 DOW task 7.4 3

HFM coll. meeting, Febr , G. de Rijk, Task 4 DOW task 7.4 4

HFM coll. meeting, Febr , G. de Rijk, Task 4 budget 5

HFM coll. meeting, Febr , G. de Rijk, Task 4 people 6 CNRSCEAFZKINFN-LASA P. Tixador (TL)M. Durante (LC)M. Noe (LC)G. Volpini (LC) F. Debray (magnet design) J-M. Rey (technical responsible) T. SchneiderM. Sorbi (design & Quench comp.) E. Mossang (magnet tests) R. HellerD. Pedrini (test & measurements) TUTUNIGEPWRCERN A. Stenvall (LC)R. FlukigerJ. Polinski (LC)A. Ballarino (conductor) B. SeeberS. Le Naour (conductor) G. Kirby (design) M. Bajko (cold test)