ESL PROGRAMS TEAM Teresa Capparelli Eugene Graziani Rachel Lalonde Dominique Plourde Derek Wright Additional collaboration: √ Anita Romano √ Marilyn Lassire
DOSSIER — Progression of Learning Mandate : Designing the Secondary Progression of Learning for Cycle One and Cycle Two (Core and EESL)
DOSSIER — Progression of Learning Supporting the Implementation of the Elementary Progression of Learning MELS Workshops: October 15, 2009 (Quebec city) November 27, 2009 (Montreal) All in the Name of Progress (SPEAQ 2009)
DOSSIER: Regulation Project (Régulation de la mise en œuvre des programmes d’ALS) Implementation of Phases 2, 3 and 4: Reminder — Étape 1: Connaître les priorités de perfectionnement des personnes ressources d’anglais, langue seconde: The use of English in class – teachers and students Planning for multi-level classes (Elementary) Supporting learning through the use of the evaluation criteria (Secondary Cycle One)
DOSSIER: Regulation Project (Régulation de la mise en œuvre des programmes d’ALS) Implementation of Phases 2, 3 and 4: — Étape 2: Planifier les activités de perfectionnement en collaboration avec les personnes-ressources — Étape 3: Réaliser, évaluer et ajuster au besoin les activités de perfectionnement — Étape 4: Tenir le milieu informé et rendre les travaux accessibles dans tout le réseau
DOSSIER: The Use of ICTs in the Secondary ESL Class Research the use of ICT in the ESL class : — To come to a better understanding of a few concepts (e.g: digital learners, multitasking, etc.) — To establish the contribution of ICT in the development of the three ESL competencies and its impact students motivation — To have a working day with teachers who use ICT in their ESL class (October 30, 2009) — To offer a training session to ESL pedagogical advisors
DOSSIER: Document de soutien en ALS & adaptation scolaire A two-day training session Document d’accompagnement des milieux accueillant des élèves ayant des besoins particuliers dans la compétence à communiquer et l’apprentissage de l’anglais, langue seconde, au premier cycle du primaire Joint training session: Adaptation scolaire and ESL Workshop leaders (MELS- Programs and DAS) Participants: ESL pedagogical advisors, CPAS, personnes resources régionalisées Winter and Spring 2010
DOSSIER: Other MELS Workshops A Guided Tour of the MELS ESL Programs Resources — a workshop for new ESL pedagogical advisors ESL Tonic for New Consultants– October 14 am, 2009, Quebec city The LES Paralympic Games: Making a Difference! — Discovering the Secondary Cycle One programs from a teaching perspective A new training tool for ESL pedagogical advisors October 14 pm, 2009, Quebec city
DOSSIER: Other MELS Workshops Several workshops at SPEAQ One new workshop (P&E): Reinvestment: From Using Texts Integrally to Personalization (Journée Pédagogique Montérégienne, SPEAQ)
ESL EVALUATION TEAM Marie-Claude Levasseur Secondary V Core exams Elizabeth Vatcher Secondary V EESL exams Sylvia Schmidt Grade 6 data collection Prototypes at the Secondary level
DOSSIER — Secondary V Core uniform exams (C1-C3) Information document and rubrics Will be on the MELS site ( Sample exam (The Power of Advertisers and the Media) Will be on the educationevaluation site January 2010 exam (See Info/Sanction ) June 2010 exam August 2010 exam January 2011 exam Regional training sessions
DOSSIER — Secondary V Core C2 sample exam Sample exam (Echoes From the Past) Will be on the educationevaluation site Takes 3 hours and 15 minutes 30 minutes for listening part 2:45 for reading and reinvesting parts
DOSSIER — Secondary V Core ESs Two former exams are revamped/recycled: Eye in the Sky (June 2008) Wired 24/7 (June 2007) They should be on the education evaluation site.
DOSSIER — Secondary V EESL C2-C3 exam Sample exam (Power of Words: What We Say and How We Say It) Will be on the educationevaluation site Regional/Supraregional training sessions on the Secondary IV prototype exam (Hype: How Do You Separate the Facts From the Buzz?) and the Secondary V sample exam
DOSSIER — Grade 6 data collection Phase 2 of the Grade 6 data collection will take place in the spring. The last phase will take place in 2012.
DOSSIER — Updating Birth Order and Manners Both LESs are being updated (mostly the Teacher’s Guides and Teacher’s Resource Booklets).
DOSSIER —Prototypes at the Secondary level We are working on prototypes, but they will not be ready this year. For example: Secondary II Core Secondary IV Core C2