Training and Education Component – LBA2
Challenges How to define a new T& E program for the LBA2? Important to define: 1. timeline for research activities: 1. Considering at least the next 4 years (considering the period of a PhD Thesis) 2. Where are the opportunities for training? 2. type of activities: 1. MSc. and PhD thesis 2. Interaction with graduate courses 3. Short-term courses (how to use distance courses; video conference) 4. Talks and seminars Financial support for the different types of activities: Central Office, associated projects, funding agencies?
Scholarships Nov – Contact with CNPq – possibility to apply for scholarships of the PROSET PROSET = Programa de estímulo à fixação de recursos humanos de interesse dos fundos setoriais ↓ Indicated for support of young graduated scientists = fixation of human resources involved in the first phase of the LBA: 24 months – scholarship Small grant for equipment and supplies Health insurance and support for rent expenses Scholarships for undergraduate and technicians
Scholarships However, an explanation to the new CNPq directors about the current situation of the LBA and results of the T&E in the previous phase of the LBA is urgently needed ↓ A seminar about the T&E LBA for the CNPq March – April 2008 ?
Involvement of graduate programs Fórum of Graduate programs in Ecology – opportunity to contact coordinators from the Amazon region (e.g. UFMT, UFAC, Amapá, INPA) Next meeting – first semester 2008
Training and Education Committee A new coordinator and committee should be defined. Need to re-establish the network of researchers and to involve new names: partial renewal of the Committee.